Kratom Tea

5 Steps on How to Make Kratom Tea with Fresh Leaves

Kratom tea is one of the most accepted ways of sampling all kratom strains. If you think that the tea is bitter, well, you can make it tasty, as we shall find out later on.

The tea is much more accepted in Western countries than in Asia, where Kratom develops naturally. In these areas, individuals often chew Kratom leaves.

In other parts of the world, people might not have access to fresh kratom leaves. Therefore, they opt for swallowing Kratom powder by using the toss-and-wash technique. Though it’s effective and quick, it might not be a pleasant experience.

If you already have fresh leaves and want to prepare Kratom tea, this is the right post.

What Exactly is Kratom?

Kratom, or Mitragyna speciosa, is a tree that grows in Southeastern Asia. It grows in countries like:

  • The Philippines
  • Malaysia
  • Papua New Guinea
  • Thailand
  • Indonesia

Types of Kratom Strains

There are three primary kinds of Kratom strains:

  • White Vein Kratom- it contains plenty of mitragynine, which makes it a suitable energy booster. You can find it in varieties such as White Vein Indo, White Thai Kratom, and White Sumatra Kratom.
  • Red Vein Kratom- it’s the most popular strain due to its calming characteristic.
  • Green Vein Kratom- it has mild energy-boosting properties or maybe high quality kratom online.

Another strain that’s quickly becoming popular is the yellow Kratom strain. It’s one of the rarest Kratom strains gaining popularity due to its mellow effects. This includes:

  • Feelings of euphoria
  • Relaxation
  • Energized sensations in the mind and body
  • Enhances focus

If you’re looking for a strain that will help you find a sense of inner peace and mental clarity, Yellow Kratom may be the strain for you. Learn more about yellow Kratom here.

What are the Benefits of Using Kratom Tea?

Although there are many ways to enjoy the benefits of Kratom, tea is the best since it eliminates most of the issues individuals link to these other techniques.

Some of its advantages are:

  • It is easy to prepare- it may take a bit longer than the toss-and-wash method, but you’ll spend most of the time waiting for a cup of Kratom to simmer.
  • It may have a pleasant flavor- although Kratom’s natural taste and texture are unpleasant, you can mix in various components, spices, and sweeteners to enhance your experience’s flavor.
  • Kratom tea may be fast-acting- by the time you brew your beverage, the water will dissolve most of the active components.
  • Kratom tea may be less probable to cause gut-related side effects- Kratom may cause digestive upset since it’s a heavy, insoluble fiber. Your body can’t break down crushed leaves in high amounts. By brewing and straining, you avoid vomiting or becoming nauseous when you consume Kratom in high dosages.

Crucial Notes on Kratom Tea Preparation

Before we get into the making, here are some essential points that you should bear in mind:

  • Don’t let Kratom roll in a boil with your water if you’re looking to retain as much of your strain’s natural alkaloid content as you can.
  • Plain Kratom tea may survive up to 5 days in your fridge. If you wish to lengthen the duration, you can include some alcohol to store your tea.
  • For a yummy and added safeguard, include an entire lemon’s juice to your Kratom powder or leaves, permitting it to soak before heating.
  • Begin with 1-2 grams of Kratom for each cup of tea. You can increase the dosage as your body gets used to it.

Steps on Making a Kratom Beverage

Here are some of the easiest ways of preparing your Kratom tea with fresh blades:

Boil Water in a Kettle

Boil one to one and a half liters of water in a kettle. Consider boiling 1.5 liters if you’re a beginner Kratom user since the herb may dehydrate you.

Make Ordinary Tea

Making a regular beverage and mixing it with your Kratom afterwards makes for a better flavor and taste. You can select any tea you prefer. It doesn’t matter, as long as you cherish its taste.

Measure Out Your Leaves

This is one of the most crucial parts of the preparation process as it determines how effective your beverage will be.

Add the Leaves to the Water

Pick a few leaves for a start, preferably 4-5 grams, then immerse them into your boiling water. You can also crush them and place the grounded leaves in the water. Mix everything. You can add some sweeteners if you wish. Some top sweeteners are:

  • Stevia- it has delicious compounds minus calories.
  • Licorice root contains a compound referred to as glycyrrhizin, which has a powerfully delicious taste but doesn’t include any extra calories.

Enjoy Your Drink

The best part. You can strain out the leaves and add more sweeteners if the taste is still too sharp. Your Kratom tea is now ready.


You might love Kratom tea regardless of your preference. Fresh Kratom leaves bring out the plant’s excellent flavor in an unmatched way. The key is for you to determine which of the above steps works for you. Then, follow the procedures to the letter, and if need be, include some sweetener in your beverage.

Try Kratom tea today if you haven’t already and discover why it’s becoming an instant sensation among Kratom lovers.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]