Ways to Weatherproof Your Home for Winter Season

5 Ways to Weatherproof Your Home for Winter Season

It’s the time of the year where we take out thicker blankets and our coats and jackets. Winter brings extremely low temperatures and frost can cause problems for the structure of your home and make minor issues worse. It’s more prudent to look at all outside areas of your home and make repairs before you’re hit by the trouble and inconvenience of things getting damaged.

When prepping your home for winter, it’s important that you are looking at the right places. Here are easy ways to weatherproof your home.

1.Check your roof and ceiling

From ground level, look up if there are loose or missing roof tiles. Inspect your ceilings as well and chimney pots and make sure aerials are secured. You may use binoculars for inspection, or even climb the roof if you have a single-storey home. If you can’t, it’s better to call a professional to check (you may do so in conjunction with your annual home checkups) since they have the proper skills, tools, and equipment to inspect your roof. Better be safe than cause accidents by trying to climb the roof on your own.

2. Make wall repairs

Check your walls if there are dents and cracks, and make sure there are no cracks or puffed out paint, loose, or missing parts of the wall. Prevent further damage by doing some remedy that you can do. For instance, you can repair smaller cracks yourself by removing any loose material then filling them with an appropriate product. If you have to repaint, use a good quality masonry paint for better weatherproofing qualities and color vibrance.

3. Reinforce your windows

One concern homeowners think about is the windows every winter. Rotten window frames will only get worse through the winter and may start to let water in which will lead to unregulated temperature inside your house as well. Small damage on wood windows can be chiseled out and holes can be filled with appropriate filler. But if you’re using sliding windows and metal ones, make sure they stay greased for easier opening and closing. Make sure the window glasses will not shatter even with extreme temperatures.

4. Keep draughts away

Stop the cold air from coming through the gap at the bottom of your front door and screw a draught excluder to the lower edge. Some bristles may cover the air gap without preventing the door from moving freely. Simple methods are effective for other draught like a simple self adhesive foam around door frames and window edges. A bristle letterbox draught excluder can make a world of difference. If there are other concerns, you need to ask a carpenter to look it over.

5. Prepare your electronics

Cooler temperatures might be ideal for electronics, be it appliances or gadgets, but extreme temperatures aren’t. Make sure your electric sockets, especially the outdoors and those in your garage are protected from frost. Having weatherproof sockets would be ideal for those since you won’t have to worry about it. It’s suited for varying temperatures and even the extreme heat or extreme colds.

Winter is coming and it doesn’t hurt to check and repair the essentials. You may try to fix the roof, ceilings, walls, and windows yourself or seek the help of a professional. Being prepared for the season will save you the hassle and extra cost for the damages that extreme temperatures will bring.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of https://hammburg.com/. For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]