6 Easy Ways to Speed Up Windows 10

6 Easy Ways to Speed Up Windows 10

Despite the fact that Apollo guidance computers had the same amount of memory as the windows 10 key cheap, Apollo 11 hit the moon.

The “real” answer is that there was no waste of processing power on a fancy interface or multi-tasking.

Make your Windows 10 computer as minimalist as possible to get some additional performance out of it. A straight upgrade is also an option.

Top 6 Methods to Speed Up Windows 10

We have compiled a list of six tips and tricks for speeding up your Windows 10 computer.

Reducing the number of open apps at startup

Reducing the number of open apps at startup

Having too many programs slowing down your computer’s startup is the main cause of your long boot time.

Consequently, many unnecessary programs may be running in the background, slowing down Windows even after it has been fully booted. It can be fixed by following these steps:

  1. Choose “Task Manager” by right clicking the Start button.
  2. Click the “Startup” tab in Task Manager.
  3. Right-click on any program you want to disable or disable it at startup.

Get rid of unwanted programs and bloatware

Unwanted programs slow your computer down when they run in the background if your computer came with them. They often serve little purpose and are called “bloatware.”

Remove programs from your computer that you don’t want or need.

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Stop Windows from using special effects

Stop Windows from using special effects

Some of the special effects in Windows 10 are very obvious, while others are quite subtle. Your PC might run slower with them, especially if it’s older and has a slow processor. While they add to the fun of using your computer, they may also slow it down.

The following instructions will show you how to disable certain special effects.

  1. To open the Control Panel, click the Start button.
  2. To access the system, click “System.”
  3. To access advanced system settings, click “Advanced system settings.”
  4. Click the “Settings” button under the Advanced tab of the System Properties window.
  5. By clicking “Adjust for best performance” you can turn special effects off manually.

Transparency of the window should be turned off

Transparency of the window should be turned off

Some subtle transparency effects are built into Windows that you might not be aware of. A faint, blurry impression of whatever lies behind the Start menu, for example, should be evident.

To avoid sacrificing processing speed (and probably not notice an aesthetic difference), you can turn it off entirely.

  1. To access the Settings menu, click the gear-shaped icon, right above the Power menu.
  2. To personalize your experience, click “Personalize.”
  3. To change the colors, click the “Colors” button.
  4. Slide the switch to the left to turn off “Transparency effects”.

Use the full power of your computer


Your computer might not be running at full speed, depending on how your power management controls are set.

Windows offers multiple power plans designed to make your laptop battery last longer by deliberately slowing down your PC. You can select a higher power plan by following these steps:

  1. Click the Start button and start the Control Panel.
  2. Click “Power Options.”
  3. For the best overall processing speed, choose “High performance.”

If you’re not on a laptop, you probably won’t see these options

Add more memory or use an SSD

Add more memory or use an SSD

Increasing the memory and storage of your computer will drastically improve performance.

The benefits of switching from traditional hard drives to solid-state drives (SSDs) can be substantial if your computer currently has a spinning metal platter hard drive. Solid-state drives have the same kind of memory as USB flash drives (though they’re much faster), and they’re able to boot up Windows a lot faster, and they’re able to load programs faster.

A faster processor can make a greater difference than adding an SSD to a PC. An SSD is the single biggest improvement that you can make to a PC.

Furthermore, if you run a lot of resource-intensive programs on your computers, like photo editing, video production, or gaming, adding more memory can help as well. And yes, don’t forget to junk files cleaner with time to time for smooth experience.

Windows should have no less than 4GB of RAM in your computer, but more RAM can make it run more smoothly.


Following the above steps will surely give you a boost in speed and you’ll definitely see the change. There are several other optimization ways but these would probably help you to notice a big change.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of https://hammburg.com/. For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]