Travel Nursing

6 Tips to Create an Eye-Catching Travel Nursing Resume

A recruiter may look at your resume for less than seven seconds. The study’s outcome further stated that attention-grabbing resumes should have a simple layout with the right sections and heading titles.

So, how to create an eye-catching travel nursing resume? There are plenty of guides online on building the perfect resume, but if you’re just getting started and don’t know what you’re doing, these can be confusing and leave you with more questions than answers.

A basic guideline may be all you need to get started, so here are six tips for building a resume of travel nursing that can land you interviews right away.

  1. A Summary is Important

A summary section is essential on a travel nursing resume, and it would help if you used this section to highlight your most relevant achievements and skills. Bullet points are an excellent way for you to draw the reader’s attention to your experience and strengths quickly.

Also, keep in mind that keywords are essential for resumes in the healthcare industry. Using keywords relevant to the position you are applying for will help get your overview past applicant tracking systems (ATS) and into the hands of human resources personnel.

  1. Listing Your Certification

Many travel nurse positions require that you hold specific certifications and licenses. A travel nursing resume should list states in which you have licenses. That way, employers can see your credentials and determine whether they meet their requirements.

Listing every state in which you hold licensure would be overkill, but it’s worth noting that you have licensure in another state if it’s relevant for your job search.

Don’t leave any off because you think it’s unimportant or relevant; everything is appropriate. Also, list all the schools you’ve attended in chronological order, with the most recent listed first.

  1. List All Your Credentials

Nurses are licensed in multiple healthcare areas, such as mental health and oncology. Ensure to list all of your credentials, and include any additional skills you may have, such as other certifications or licenses.

The more information you can give potential employers about your background, education, and experience, the better chance you’ll have of being hired for a job.

  1. List Your Accomplishments

An excellent way to build your resume is by listing your accomplishments. In most cases, your resume should be chronological and include employment history.

However, you can insert recent achievements if they are relevant. Listing achievements is one of the best ways to showcase knowledge and experience that makes you ideal for travel nursing jobs.

  1. Get References

Even if you’re not seeking employment immediately, these letters from previous employers will show hiring managers your work ethic and integrity, both essential elements in securing an assignment.

If you are currently employed and looking for a new position, be sure to bring these documents with you during interviews. They can also call your references for recommendations throughout your time as a traveling nurse and years afterward, so make sure they know about your plans.

  1. Don’t Forget to Update

Employers often want evidence of your job-seeking efforts, including how often you update your resume. Be sure to update it every month or two with new skills, training, and accomplishments. Nothing will sabotage an otherwise promising application faster than incorrect information.

Check that everything is spelled correctly and doesn’t contradict anything else in your application package. So, if you want that new position as fast as possible, keep it up-to-date and make sure it’s always tailored for each specific job you’re applying for.

Final Thoughts

Travel nursing is a unique field, and your resume should be as well. These relevant points will help you build an effective resume of travel nursing, but you must adopt these tips to suit your situation. For any nurse seeking to explore travel nursing, starting with a stellar resume is the first step toward a successful journey.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]