Media Pitch

6 Tips to Help You Write a Media Pitch That Gets Noticed

Have you ever felt like media pitches are one of the hardest things to write?

We have all been there. It seems like no matter what angle we take, media outlets don’t seem interested in our story. However, media pitches can be easy if you know how to do them correctly.

This post will give you six tips to help your media pitch stand out and get noticed by media outlets.

  1. Know the Media Outlet

There is a big chance that media outlets receive thousands of media pitches every single day. So, when you pitch to them, make sure your media pitch stands out from the rest by knowing exactly where it should go and who would be interested in reading about it.

To do this research properly, read their website for at least one month; check what they post on social media; take note of stories similar to yours and then send your pitch based on all these findings.

This way, media outlets will see how much effort you put into sending them a personalized message. You won’t just be making an email blast with no regard to which outlets might find it interesting.

Remember: You are pitching because you have something valuable for media outlets.

  1. Pitch to the Right Journalist

A media pitch that goes straight into a reporter’s spam folder is worthless. You need to know which editor would love your story so you can send it their way. You don’t need to waste time pitching to media outlets that don’t care about what you have to say.

To find this information, look for an editorial masthead or “about” page where editors are listed with links to their Twitter profiles and email addresses. If there isn’t any contact info available online, call the media outlet directly during business hours and ask for the direct contact information of a relevant editor.

Don’t forget: The more personalized your message will be, the better chance you’ll have at it being picked up by media outlets.

How can media pitches be personalized? You guessed it right: research!

Dig deep to find the name of the journalist you are pitching and make sure your pitch is directed towards them. For example, if you know an executive assistant who has worked there for years, call in and ask for the editor by name.

If you can identify who will be most interested in your media pitch, media outlets are more likely to find it valuable and useful.

  1. Get to the Point

What is a media pitch? A media pitch is a short, written summary of the story you are trying to share with media outlets.

Media outlets receive media pitches every single day. So, if you are thinking of writing a media pitch that is a couple of pages long, think again. Editors want media pitches that are short and sweet so they can get through them quickly.

So what should your media pitch contain? Here is an example: “Hi Editor’s Name, I’m reaching out because our company has something valuable for your readers/audience related to _________. Would love to talk more about this?”

Keep it short and simple with just enough information for editors to understand why they should care about your story idea. When you give them all the information, media outlets can then decide if they want to take the next step with you.

When media pitches are too long and include lots of extraneous information, editors may not bother reading it at all. And that means your media pitch is a complete waste of time.

Keep in mind: If media outlets don’t know what your story idea is about from the get-go, there’s no reason for them to keep reading.

Editors have many stories competing against yours every single day — they need something that stands out from everyone else quickly. So make sure when pitching them, you get right down to business within a few sentences.

  1. Follow Up

If media outlets don’t respond to your media pitch, it doesn’t mean you should give up entirely. Many reporters are busy and forget about the media pitches that were sent their way. So follow up with them within two weeks of sending your original media pitch for another chance at getting picked up.

Media outlets love when they know someone is persistent because they can be sure you want coverage from them. That means following through on what was said in an initial email or phone conversation will also carry much more weight than if you stopped after one attempt failed to get any response back.

When journalists feel like they aren’t being pestered too often but rather approached, they are more likely to cover your story.

Following up with media outlets is the best way for you as a marketer or journalist to ensure media pitches get noticed and picked up by media outlets. It also shows that you’re serious about getting coverage.

  1. Keep It Conversational

When media outlets receive media pitches, they want them to sound like a conversation with someone instead of being presented in an official-sounding way. If media outlets feel your media pitch is too formal or stiff, the chances are high that it will get ignored entirely.

Media pitches aren’t letters — they’re conversations between two human beings who share something in common: their work and interests related to what you have to say about your industry. So think of ways you can make media pitches more conversational so that editors are excited by them.

If you include phrases such as “I hope this email finds you well,” or “This might be a long shot but I thought I’d give it a try,” media outlets will be more likely to respond. They feel like you’re sincere and that you want coverage from them.

  1. Hire a Writing Service

If the media pitches you’ve submitted don’t get any response back, it might be time to consider hiring a writing service specializing in media pitching.

Getting professional help from media pitching services is one of the best ways to get press coverage when you aren’t sure where to start with creating your own media pitch.

Check out for media pitching services that can help you get media coverage.

Let Your Media Pitch Get Noticed

Now it’s time to start pitching! These six tips should help make writing a media pitch easier and more effective than ever before.

If media pitches aren’t getting picked up, remember to make them short and simple with the right amount of information for media outlets to see why they should cover your story.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]