7 Signs You May Need a Root Canal

Having great dental health is a window to your overall health.

That’s why it’s important that you keep up with brushing and flossing, visit the dentist office often and recognize any signs of a problem. Ignoring these issues could result in a painful and pricey procedure down the road.

One of the most common fixes for oral health problems is a root canal. This is used to save teeth that have become decayed or badly infected. It can be tricky knowing if you need a root canal or a separate treatment.

Also, you can prefer Endodontist London which are highly skilled dental specialists in diagnosing and treating tooth pain.

1. Tooth Pain

If you’re feeling persistent tooth pain, this signals that something is wrong. It does not always mean you’ll need a root canal, but you will need to get a thorough exam done by an Endodontist, an expert in tooth pain. This is the best way to determine the cause of it.

You may experience dental pain that is sporadic or consistent. The pain might be mild or excruciating. You might only feel the pain when you’re chewing, or it could last continuously for days.

As time goes on, this pain might fluctuate in intensity. Even mild discomfort can progress into extreme pain, and if you ignore it for too long, you risk getting an infection.

You may be nervous about getting a root canal, and that’s why you put off making the appointment, but the root canal recovery process is simple, and you’ll be grateful not to feel constant pain anymore.

2. Swelling Gums

Another indicator that it’s time to visit your dentist ASAP is swollen gums. If you have a painful tooth and swollen gums near it, this is an issue that may require a root canal.

The swelling could come and go, and it may be tender when you touch it, or it might not be tender at all. Regardless, once you recognize that you have swollen gums, you’ll need to get them looked at.

There could also be a little bump on your gum which is known as a gum boil. You’ll need to be careful because this can ooze pus from the infection in the tooth and cause bad breath.

3. Sensitivity to Temperature

Are your teeth hurting when you drink a cup of hot coffee? What about when you bite into some ice cream? If your teeth are particularly sensitive to temperature, there is an underlying issue to take care of.

The sensitivity might feel like a sharp pain or dull ache. If the pain lingers for a substantial amount of time, you may need a root canal. This is especially true if you still feel that pain when you stop drinking or eating.

Temperature sensitivity may indicate that the nerves or blood vessels in your teeth are damaged or infected.

4. Discoloration

When the pulp of your tooth is infected, it can cause your tooth to become discolored. When there is a breakdown of the internal issue or trauma to the tooth, the roots are damaged and create a gray-black appearance.

This is easier to see on your front teeth, so you must take a look at all your teeth and see if any of them are discolored.

When there is an inadequate blood supply, tooth pulps can die, which signals the potential need for a root canal. There may be other reasons why your teeth look discolored, so be sure to check with your dentist to get the best treatment.

5. Dental Abscess

If you’re feeling an ache in your mouth or jaw and you experience pain while chewing, this may mean you have an abscessed tooth. This occurs when the soft tissue inside the root canal of a tooth dies, becomes inflamed and isn’t treated.

These symptoms were listed separately, but it is a combination of all the warning signs to look out for with a dental abscess. You can also get tooth abscesses from an untreated dental cavity, an injury, or prior dental work.

6. Chipped or Cracked Tooth

If you’ve cracked or chipped your tooth in an accident by chewing on something hard or in a contact sport, this causes bacteria to set in and can lead to infection.

Your tooth might not crack or chip after an injury, but you still may have nerve damage. This nerve can become inflamed and cause sensitivity and pain, which requires root canal treatment. You can’t always stop something like this from occurring, but you can take preventative measures to minimize the chances.

This means wearing a mouthguard when playing sports or being careful when it comes to hard food.

7. Tooth Mobility

When your tooth is infected, it affects mobility. You might notice that your tooth feels looser. This can be caused by nerve death and a variety of other factors.

It’s also a sign that a root canal is necessary. The waste products from nerve death can soften the bone around the root of a dying tooth, and this causes mobility.

Taking Care of Your Dental Health

It can be frustrating to know that there is something wrong with your dental health. With that said, the problem is sure to worsen if you don’t do anything about it. There are various warning signs that it’s time for a dentist to take a look at your teeth.

You may need a root canal, or it could mean a different treatment, but getting it addressed immediately will save you from a big headache down the road.

Looking for more informative articles like this? Be sure to check out the health section of our blog!

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of https://hammburg.com/. For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]