What is life? Is it worth living at all? These are questions that have been asked for centuries. From the time of ancient Greece to today, philosophers and scientists alike have pondered the meaning of life.

Life is hard, life is cruel. Why would you want to live? And sometimes you think life is pointless. It takes a lot of energy and effort just to carry on this existence, and oftentimes it doesn’t seem worth it. The hardships we face can take a toll on us. One might find that the mere idea of carrying on with life seems impossible due to past pains we have undergone.

We may feel defeated by these things as if there’s no point in trying anymore, why go on living when all the odds are stacked against us? Why should we try again when every time before has ended in failure or disappointment?

Even though our lives are difficult, they’re still worth living for some people out there who still believe they have the strength to go on despite all the disappointments and heartbreaks they have experienced.

The fact of the matter is that life can be good. Yes, it’s true that life is hard and at times unfair, but this does not mean we should stop living. The statement “life is too short to live badly” was intended to state that it doesn’t make sense to waste a single moment of your life because you could die in an instant without warning. Stop thinking that life is pointless.

This is a reminder not to take things lightly or go about doing things half-heartedly. It also says that it’s important to live well regardless of what happens since there will never be a second chance at anything. In other words, seize the moment! You might get another opportunity after all, even if it just means another life after this one.

What’s With the Meaning of Life, anyway? Is it Worth Living at All?

It is hard for anyone in our reality to find meaning in anything or do so without some sort of spiritual guidance (since this kind of wisdom comes from beyond our realm). Most people will simply say “I don’t know” when asked about such things.

However, there are still those who refuse to admit that they can’t answer certain questions and attempt to find answers despite their own ignorance on the matter. The problem is that most of these people fall into one of two camps: religious extremists and philosophical pessimists.

Both groups can be easily spotted once you know what to look for.

Some religious fanatics may say things like “God put me here on this earth to do his work” in order to make sense of why they’re alive, as if they were chosen by God himself (this seems a bit egotistical).

Others will simply try to live their lives based on the teachings of their holy books without questioning anything or trying to seek further wisdom from higher sources than themselves.

Still others go further off the deep end and make up rules concerning morality in life beyond those taught by their religion (such as laws governing how other people should live their lives). Some will go as far as to kill people who violate these rules.

A great example of the extreme form of religious fanaticism is the suicide bomber. When religious fanatics highly revere and worship a deity, they feel assured that when they carry out an act of violence in service of this god, he will grant these martyrs eternal life in paradise (this same notion applies for terrorist acts carried out by secularists or those with no belief system at all).

This kind of blind faith seems a bit frightening even though it’s common among some people; nevertheless, I wouldn’t blame them since they rely on an unseen being for meaning instead of looking within themselves or seeking wisdom from beyond their own realm.

Faith can be a powerful thing when used properly, but it can be quite dangerous when taken to the extreme.

It is also possible for people to suffer from philosophical pessimism (usually caused by bad life experiences) and say things like “life sucks” or “life is meaningless” as if the universe itself were cruel in design and incapable of producing good things beyond physical reality.

These types of people are quick to blame life for their own problems; they’re convinced that there’s no meaning within anything because they see only pain and difficulty on a regular basis.

They believe that nothing good will ever happen for them since everything seems hopelessly out of reach, thus making their lives seem futile at times.

The Importance of Having a Sense of Purpose

Both groups tend to attract people who suffer from low self-esteem because they reason that it’s easier for people to feel good about themselves if they’re part of something greater than themselves.

They believe this so strongly, in fact, that they are willing to give up their independence and dignity just for the sake of identifying with something outside of themselves.

These people only care about what other people think and thus do not value their own lives or acknowledge their own individuality in any way; they accept whatever labels are put upon them by others and act accordingly (for example, “I am an American” or “I am a white man”).

It is as if these kinds of individuals lack control over their own lives and end up being controlled by whatever labels they accept.

So, what is “purpose”? It’s an explanation of why you’re alive, a belief in the importance of your existence as a human being and why you should be here (in other words, it’s an objective goal that guides how you live).

A sense of purpose is important because without it, one could ask questions such as “Why do I exist?” and never get satisfactory answers.

This is what gives people confidence to go out into the world and face life with enthusiasm instead of feelings of hopelessness or despair.

When people don’t know why they’re alive, they’ll usually fall victim to low self-esteem, pessimism and depression which will affect all areas of their lives.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]