
Are We Addicted To Technology As A Generation: What Are Experts Saying?

In an age where technology is advanced and easily accessible, can it also be addicting? This guide will discuss whether or not we might be or not according to what experts are saying. It has changed dramatically over the course of the last two decades.

At one point in time, we had the dialup Internet era. Cell phones were used for just calls, not texts or web surfing. And there was no social media back then either.

It seems that with things changing, we can’t seem to put down the phone, tablet, or laptop. If you believe that you or someone you know may be addicted to technology, The Heights can help. You can check out The Heights Treatment official site for more information on the steps you can take to manage your use of technology.

Let’s talk more about whether or not we are really addicted to technology. Or if we are just caught in a time where easily accessible technology is hard to get away from.

How is it possible to be addicted to technology?

As mentioned before, technology addiction can be possible. The chances of that happening are high since current existing technology is easily accessible. Anyone can purchase a smartphone at a budget price and be able to access the Internet or download various apps.

Some of the key factors of addiction to technology may include but are not limited to the following:

  • Gambling sites or apps where you could win real money
  • Social media and the reward of being validated for your content
  • Surfing the net (albeit with no intent or agenda)
  • Online shopping or Internet auctions (a risk for those with spending impulses)

Those who may not have the ability to control their consumption and use of electronics may find themselves glued to their devices for much of the day. They may do it to avoid a certain feeling or mood such as irritability or anxiety. Plus, the idea of gaining quick pleasure and reward from their devices appears to be the issue here as well.

It is also believed that technology addiction can open the door to other addictions as well. This may also include substance abuse, which can lead to addiction further down the road.

Has the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated the problem?

At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, many people were staying home and avoiding being in public. At the same time, they were also largely avoiding human contact out of fear. Because of this, activities such as online gambling, use of porn sites, dating apps, and gaming have increased.

The use of technology was used to help alleviate boredom and distract people from the gravity of the situation. The COVID-19 pandemic and the lack of human contact in the beginning had people feeling lonely and depressed. So, they used something to alleviate those feelings.

What is the difference between a bad habit and an addiction?

When it comes to technology, it may be hard to distinguish between a bad habit or an addiction. However, if the use of technology gets in the way of everyday things including regular responsibilities, then this can be a problem. You may deliberately skip work or school in favor of playing games on your computer or phone.

You may also neglect to satisfy any basic needs such as eating, sleeping, or hygiene. These would be signs that technology addiction may be a problem. A bad habit would be a much lesser degree of this.

You may find yourself on an electronic device on a regular basis (and at odd times). You may be doing this to distract yourself from certain tasks. This also includes operating a motor vehicle, which can lead to consequences that can cause serious injury or even death.

If constant use occurs for over a year, WHO experts believe that it can be classified as an addiction. The same would apply for those playing video games and having an inability to stop. That inability can lead to one skipping their obligations of work or school, which can lead to termination or even academic suspension (among other consequences).

Technology use can start early

It’s common for children as young as 12 to have a smartphone. They will use it for communication purposes with family and friends. However, they can still use it to surf the Internet and play games.

Because of its ability to develop into a habit where their attention is solely focused on the device, regulation is necessary. If you are a parent, you want to make sure to regulate your child’s use of devices.

You’ll want to allow them to use said devices in between certain hours of the day. You can also use apps to monitor their use as well. You will need to set up a time period where they cannot check their phones (such as during dinner time or an hour before bedtime).

Parents who plan and utilize this can help improve their child’s sleep quality. At the same time, it will also lessen their chances of being addicted to technology later on in their teen years. As they get older, those restrictions may be relaxed and they can use their devices for longer.

As this happens, it is important to provide them with good examples of using devices.

Final Thoughts

Technology addiction is possible. But it will take quite a bit of behavioral evidence to make that determination. Many people will be on their devices to kill off any boredom, anxiety, or sadness.

It’s important for most of us to regulate our use of technology. Using it for the purpose of work is one thing. And yes, you can use it for pleasure as well.

The truth is, we must put a limit on ourselves. Life shouldn’t always revolve around our smartphones, laptops, and iPads. If you or someone you know may have an issue with technology addiction, find out where to get information on getting evaluated and treated.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]