Garbage Disposal for Your Kitchen

Choosing the Right Garbage Disposal for Your Kitchen

Garbage disposals are small electrical appliances installed under kitchen sinks that use grinding mechanisms to turn food waste into fine particles that can pass easily through plumbing and sewer lines to wastewater treatment plants. Continuous or batch feed models may be available.

To delve deeper into how garbage disposals work and explore the options available, learn more here at Full Speed Plumbing and make an informed choice for your kitchen’s convenience!

Table of Contents


Various garbage disposal sizes are available, depending on how much food waste is produced in your household and the space beneath your sink. More significant garbage disposals feature stronger components for greater durability and resistance against jamming than their smaller counterparts.

When selecting a garbage disposal, motor size is important, but there are other factors to consider. Many manufacturers provide various grind stages designed to reduce noise levels and anti-jamming features.

Moreover, others even come equipped with power cords. Some brands even sell models specifically made for hardwired installation, which may incur an additional fee.

If you cook infrequently or produce much food waste, an entry-level 1/3 HP garbage disposal will do just fine. Suitable for singles or couples alike, this size can handle most foods that can be safely placed at its disposal, such as fish bones, cooked meats, vegetables, fruits, and soft foods.

For most families, a 1/2 horsepower disposal is ideal. This unit can quickly dispose of most food scraps you produce each week, as well as tougher items such as chicken bones and fruit pits. Many models feature stainless steel grinder components, which are less susceptible to corrosion, and noise-reduction technology, making them quieter than their smaller counterparts.


A garbage disposal should be powerful enough to grind food waste quickly, but some materials can clog its drain and even the entire plumbing system beyond just the disposal itself.

Therefore, it’s wise to avoid placing fats, oils, or grease down any drain that connects with a disposal. These substances harden as they move down, potentially leading to costly clogs in pipes.

Flush fats, oils, and grease down the drain as quickly as possible with cold water. Experts also suggest degreasing products every three or four months, as these contain enzyme-producing microorganisms that break down food products left behind at your disposal and allow your septic system to process them more easily.

Some models include an enzymatic reservoir to support healthy septic system operation; this feature may increase overall cost.

Good quality disposals feature stainless steel parts, which will outlive plastic ones that crack and wear down over time. Furthermore, look for models with batch feed systems – these prevent children and pets from accidentally turning the switch on, which could produce an annoyingly loud noise.

Plus, these units usually come equipped with safety covers activated when placing metal objects like sink stoppers over their activation ports.


Your garbage disposal under your sink is a convenient device that simply flips a switch to grind up food scraps into fine particles for disposal quickly. Though an integral component of any kitchen, its operation can become an inconvenient nuisance when it begins humming or sputtering uncontrollably – possibly signaling something is wrong with its operation.

Before contacting a plumber, there are a few things you may do if your garbage disposal is producing noise. First, ensure it is securely connected to the electrical framework; next, check if its breaker needs flipping; finally, look for one with a quieter motor or insulation to reduce vibration and noise emissions.

Other features to reduce the noise level of your disposal include auto-reverse features and water-saving modes; look for them in control packages when making your selection.

To keep your disposal running smoothly, always run a strong stream of cold water before switching it on – this will prevent grease build-up that clogs the unit’s interior with solidified grease and fat, solidifying and adhering itself therein. In addition, avoid throwing fibrous scraps, tough bones, fruit pits, and other hard materials down it, as this could clog it.


As with most appliances and systems in your home, your garbage disposal can also be covered by a home warranty plan from 2-10 Home Buyers Warranty. 

By choosing this protection for yourself and minimizing care for it yourself, 2-10 Home Buyers Warranty plans allow you to relieve some of the strain of its care while saving yourself repair or replacement costs if something goes wrong.

Be mindful, though; as is true of all home warranties, coverage only extends to damage that results from normal wear-and-tear breakdowns caused by clogs, not from neglect or abuse of its systems or parts.

Always refer to the user manual of your disposal unit for advice on how best to care for and maintain it. Incorporating only food items such as bottle caps and aluminum foil into the disposal is recommended.

Anything other than food could damage it or get caught in your piping, while large volumes of scraps should not be fed in all at once – giving each piece time to be ground into powder before throwing them down the drain.

If your disposal is continuously clogging, pour a quarter cup of baking soda followed by half a cup of vinegar into the drain. These natural products can help break down and flush away food waste while eliminating odors.

However, if this doesn’t solve the issue, professional assistance may be required; garbage disposals require electricity, so ensure the breaker switch stays on track during use.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]