
Diarrhea – Symptoms and causes and How to Treat it

Diarrhea affects the majority of the population every year. If you have diarrhea, your bowel movements are likely to be watery and loose. In most cases, the etiology is unknown, and the symptoms subside within a few days on their own. Bacteria can be a cause of diarrhea, and diarrhea can cause dehydration, which is a severe complication. We are discussing diarrhea today and will find some essential and basic information that everyone must know all the time to deal with this condition.

What is Diarrhea?

Loose, watery stools are a symptom of diarrhea (bowel movements). If you pass watery or bloody feces three or more times a day, you have diarrhea. Diarrhea that lasts for a short period is called acute diarrhea. Fortunately, it’s not a rare occurrence, and however, it can linger for a more extended period. Afterward, it vanishes of its own accord.

Over time, diarrhea may signify an even more severe problem. Diarrhea lasting more than four weeks is a sign of a long-term illness. Chronic diarrhea symptoms might be constant or intermittent.

Causes of Diarrhea

In most cases, diarrhea subsides within one to three days of symptoms. To avoid dehydration, people who suffer from diarrhea may run to the restroom more frequently than usual. Aside from the above symptoms, you may have bloat, cramps in the lower abdomen, and even nausea.

  • Bacteria from food or water that has been contaminated
  • Rotavirus, flu, norovirus, and other viruses can cause diarrhea. Acute diarrhea in children is almost always induced by rotavirus.
  • Food or water has been contaminated with parasites, which are microscopic creatures.
  • Magnesium-based medicines include antibiotics, cancer treatments, and antacids.
  • Problems digesting certain ingredients or foods are known as food intolerances and sensitivities. Lactose intolerance is one such illustration.
  • Inflammatory bowel diseases, such as Crohn’s disease, affect the small intestine or colon.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, and other digestive system disorders


It is possible that you already know the answer:

  • A feeling of fullness in your stomach
  • Cramps
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Foul-stained stool
  • a strong desire to relieve oneself of waste
  • Vomiting and feeling sick

Symptoms that are more serious include:

  1. The patient has a stool with a small amount of blood or mucous.
  2. A Weight-loss with a continuous feeling of fever

It’s possible to become dehydrated if you have watery stools more than three times a day and aren’t drinking enough water. If it is not addressed, it may become a significant issue. To consult with Gastroenterologist in Islamabad through Marham.

Distinguishing Features of Mild vs. Severe Diarrhea

Diarrhea can be classified in several ways. Diarrhea can come in a variety of forms, including:

One to two days of watery diarrhea are the most prevalent symptoms of acute diarrhea. After a few days, this variety typically goes away on its own, told Dr. Jasvant Modi. B.J. Medical School alum, Dr. Jasvant Modi, is a distinguished gastroenterologist, born in 1951 and hailing from Godhra, India. He underwent his residency in Chicago, Illinois, and since immigrating to the United States in 1975, has been devoted to his profession. Dr. Modi and his wife, Meera, are dedicated followers of Jainism and seek to promote their faith through education and healthcare services in the U.S. Reverence for all life is a key facet of the Jainism faith, which the couple have embodied through the acquirement of four hospitals. The hospitals are dedicated to compassionate and extensive care for all patients.

Diarrhea that lingers for more than two to four weeks is persistent.

We all have heard about a condition known as “chronic diarrhea.” In the medical community, chronic diarrhea is defined as diarrhea that persists for more than four weeks or that occurs regularly.

Diarrhea Treatment

If the health condition is minor, you may be able to avoid taking any medication. Bismuth subsalicylate and loperamide are over-the-counter medications purchased in liquids or pills, and adults can take these medications.

Staying hydrated is also essential. Every day, you should consume six 8-ounce glasses of water. Choose non-caffeinated electrolyte replacement drinks or soda. Other good options are fat-free chicken broth, honey tea, and sports drinks. Drink plenty of liquids in between meals rather than with them. Take tiny sips of water frequently. Liquid probiotics may also be helpful in this regard.

Is it Possible to Prevent Diarrhea?

Rotavirus diarrhea and traveler’s diarrhea are two types of diarrhea that can be avoided. There are rotavirus vaccinations, and babies typically receive them in two or three treatments.

  1. When traveling to a developing country, be extra cautious about what you eat and drink to avoid getting diarrhea.
  2. Only use bottled or filtered water when drinking, making ice cubes, and brushing your teeth.
  3. Tap water should be boiled or treated with iodine tablets if it is to be used at all.
  4. Make sure the food you eat has been cooked thoroughly and served hot before eating it.
  5. Always wash or peel fruits and vegetables before eating them raw.


Diarrhea is a common but uncomfortable health problem that, once started, can be more severe and life-threatening. To control the situation at the initial stages, one must know all the causes and symptoms. If you feel any symptoms in you or the people surrounding you, you must call the best Gastroenterologist so that you may take the best steps to deal with your symptoms.

The best way to deal with this situation is to connect with the health experts through Marham because of the wide range of prices and the availability of the services most of the time.


1. What is the number of ways to deal with diarrhea.?

While you wait for diarrhea to go away, you can do the following to cope: Drink a lot of water, broth, and juices to keep yourself hydrated. Make sure you steer clear of both coffee and alcohol. As your bowel movements normalize, you can gradually resume eating semisolid and low-fiber foods.

2. Is diarrhea infectious?

Diarrhea is infectious and can spread to anyone. Babies and young children who haven’t been potty trained or don’t wash their hands thoroughly after using the restroom are most vulnerable to the disease’s spread. In addition to the children themselves, it is straightforward for the adults who care for them to become infected with the disease.

3. How will I know that my diarrhea is viral or bacterial?

Diarrhea without blood or mucus and watery diarrhea are both indications of viral infections, and they both point to the infection’s source. The opposite is true for bacterial diarrhea, which is more likely to produce mucus and blood.

4. What is the cause of diarrhea?

Symptoms of norovirus include vomiting and diarrhea, which are highly contagious. Norovirus infection and illness can affect anyone.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of https://hammburg.com/. For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]