Divorce & alimony in Utah: Things to know!

Filing for divorce in Utah doesn’t have to be complicated. Utah allows for both fault-based and no-fault divorces, besides the option of legal separation. No matter the circumstances, things like child support, child custody, division of marital assets, and alimony will eventually crop up. What exactly is alimony? Also called spousal support, alimony is the amount that a spouse may get, so that they can have a standard of living that’s comparable to what they had in the marriage. Alimony is not the same as child support. Talking to a known Sandy divorce lawyer can help you decide on whether you qualify for alimony in the first place. Here are some things to know about alimony in Utah. 

  1. Gender doesn’t matter for alimony. It is a common myth that only a woman, or the wife, gets alimony in a divorce. The court will decide on alimony based on various factors, such as the education of the spouse asking for alimony. You cannot expect to ask any amount in alimony. The court will consider your needs, length of the marriage, and if you have been a stay-at-home spouse. Either sex can get alimony, depending on the circumstances. 
  2. Not every divorce involves alimony. Alimony is not relevant in many divorces. For instance, if the marriage didn’t last long, or the spouse requesting alimony has enough education and experience to work, the court may not grant alimony. 
  3. Alimony is calculated on net income. How much can you expect in alimony? The answer depends on many factors, and your spouse’s net income. The net income refers to the amount after deducting taxes from gross income. Not all types of incomes are considered for alimony. For instance, if your spouse has been doing a second job on weekends, the income to be considered for alimony purposes would be what your spouse earns for 40 hours of work. 
  4. Fault can impact alimony. If you have been cheating on your spouse and ask for alimony, the court may not grant the same. Marital conduct is a factor in alimony because Utah is a fault state. 
  5. Finally, alimony is taxable. If you are receiving alimony from your spouse, you have to show that as your income. Also, you cannot expect to get alimony for the rest of your life. In fact, alimony in Utah is granted only for the years of marriage. For instance, if you were married for 10 years, you can get alimony for up to 10 years, and typically not more. 

You have support 

Family and friends are great for emotional support, but having an expert does make a difference. By hiring a divorce attorney, you avail support on all legal matters, and while your lawyer is not your best friend, they can minimize your stress. Paperwork is often the most complicated part, and your lawyer will handle that and beyond, without your direct involvement, unless needed. 

You can avoid the mistakes

A divorce attorney knows how to handle different situations in the entire process. If the lawyer agrees to take your case, they may advise against having an affair, or posting anything nasty about your spouse on social media. Paperwork mistakes can be expensive, and if you end up signing an agreement with your spouse, without knowing what that means, it may cost huge. The biggest advantage of having a lawyer is you can avoid these mistakes. Your attorney is aware of the possible outcomes of each decision, and they will ensure all legal aspects are looked into. 

If you want to hire a divorce attorney, make sure that you look at their experience and expertise. As needed, you can also check online for reviews of top-rated law firms in Utah. 

Talk to an attorney to know more.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of https://hammburg.com/. For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]