
Do you enjoy taking, editing, and then sharing photos with friends and family members?

Then you must be familiar with Instagram since it is the biggest platform for that.

 But maybe you’d like to take it to another level and share your life with the rest of the world, too?

 Or do you want to build a successful online business on Instagram?

 Either way, you are in the right place. Combining these tips and tricks will create an effective Instagram marketing strategy and attract thousands of followers:

  1. Creative and appealing account

When people visit your account, that’s when they get the first impression of you and decide whether you are worth following or not. Your profile picture, bio, and username tell a story about you as a person or about your brand, so use them to persuade people to follow you. Explain what type of content should be expected from you and try to answer a question

Why should they follow YOU?

Also, if you are trying to promote your business using Instagram, don’t forget to write like to a site and contact information in your bio. It will make your brand look more professional!

  1. Consistency

Just like on any social media platform, posting regularly on Instagram leads to more likes and followers. You can’t expect people to follow you if you post once a week because that just isn’t enough. People will forget why they followed you in the first place, and you risk losing their support. Instagram users love when brands or influencers provide content consistently and keep them in the know of the brand.

  1. Understanding how Instagram algorithm works

If you don’t understand how the Instagram algorithm works, you can’t successfully promote your account and maximize the reach. One of the ways an algorithm works is that it shows the posts from accounts a user interacts with. That’s why interaction is essential for successful Instagram marketing. The more they communicate with you, the more frequently they are going to see your posts. Also, the most recent post is usually pushed to the top of the feeds. That’s another reason to post frequently.

  1. Use Instagram Analytics

You can’t expect to gain popularity on the social platform without knowing your target audience and creating your branding strategy based on their characteristics. Instagram Analytics is a powerful tool to understand how the algorithm sees your brands and find out as much as possible about your followers.

Instagram Analytics will help you improve your marketing strategy!

You can change your posting strategy based on what type of content your Instagram community prefers.

  1. Promotion on other platforms

Promoting your Instagram accounts on other online platforms, such as Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, or Tik-Tok, is crucial for getting discovered and gaining new followers. You can use those to raise awareness about the content you provide and give people a reason to follow you. Social networks make it easy for people to find you, and they are essential from the very beginning. When your Instagram account is new, and people have no idea who you are and what you represent, promotion on social networks at least gets you the support and follow of your friends and family members, and that’s a start. If you think that your friends and family members aren’t enough to make your Instagram look appealing to potential customers or followers, you can always buy a set amount of Instagram followers. Nowadays, people do that quite frequently because competition on Instagram is high, and to attract more followers their account needs to look professional and popular.

  1. Instagram live streams

Using live streams to communicate with followers is essential on any platform, including Instagram. Live streams are especially beneficial when you are trying to establish yourself as an influencer. Whether you are promoting a healthy lifestyle or fashionable clothes, people want to know more about you and your life. They would like to know what your meals look like throughout the day or what type of clothes are there in your closet. Instagram live streams are an excellent tool to show your followers all of this in real-time and answer all their questions.

Remember, your followers get a notification every time you start live streaming!

  1. Encourage your followers to tag you

It’s a great way to introduce your account to a new and wider audience. Let’s return to the example we discussed in the previous section. While promoting a healthy lifestyle, you can challenge people to post pictures of healthy meals that they eat with a recipe in the caption and tag you in the post. Some of their followers might be interested in what’s going on in the picture, check the tagged account out, and in case this topic seems interesting for them, they might follow you.In addition to this, getting tagged in the posts is perceived as an engagement by the Instagram algorithm, so your followers who tag often tag you will see your content more frequently in their news feeds!

Try to think of various challenges from time to time and ask you the Instagram community to tag you in their posts!

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]