Vitamin C

Does Proper Diet Without Vitamins Enough for a Healthy Body?

Can you have a healthy body without supplementing with vitamins? The answer is a simple yes. You can usually get all the nutrients and vitamins that your body needs regularly without taking supplements. Sometimes you’ll need additional supplements such as b12 drops, biotin and collagen to ensure that you are getting all the vitamins that you need.  Read on to see how to have a balanced diet and if you need supplements.

How to adhere to a proper diet for your health

  • Follow a Healthy Eating Plan

You probably already know what’s healthy and what not, but it’s important that you can enjoy the plan. Most healthy eating plans usually tell you to include the following in your diet:

To ensure you are eating a balanced diet, you’ll need to include:

  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Whole Grains
  • Legumes
  • Nuts
  • Proteins

You can follow either the standard diet or you can follow a diet that’s best suited to your needs.  Either way, talk to your doctor before changing your diet.

  • Take Small Steps

You’re probably used to eating whatever you want (aka junk food) so you don’t think about balancing your diet at all. That’s why it’s important that you take small steps to balance your diet. It’ll be hard at first, but it’ll totally be worth it. The point is, you are eating healthy enough without having to supplement any vitamins.

The best way to do this is to make sure that your cupboards and refrigerator is stocked with healthy foods. It’ll also help if you already are following a plan to eat better to get all the vitamins that you need in your body.

  • Set Realistic Goals

In order to have a balanced diet, you’ll need to have realistic goals of what you can eat. Maybe you’re not a huge fan of eating vegetables and fruits all the time, so you may limit that. Or you can’t eat meat all the time because it’s not to your liking. Set some realistic goals of what you can eat so that you can get all the nutrients and vitamins in your body.

  • Keep track of your meals

Having a balanced diet without adding additional supplements also means tracking what you are eating. When you do this, you know what you’re putting in your body and can track your calories better. It is also helpful if you are trying to lose weight as well.

  • Vegetarian vs Vegan

If for some reason you want to follow a plant based diet, you’ll want to make sure you know the difference between the two.


A Vegan diet does not consume any animal based products at all, which includes eggs,fish and cheese.


A Vegetarian diet does not consume animals that have been slaughtered. However, followers of the diet do consume things like eggs because there was no harm done to the animal.

You’ll want to ensure if you’re following a plant based diet that you supplement especially with b12 drops, keratin supplement, biotin and collagen. When you take those, you’ll be ensuring you have important vitamins and nutrients in your body to be healthy.

Natural Vitamins for Proper Diet Balance

Even if you are following a diet plan, sometimes you are not getting enough, so you’ll need to supplement important vitamins.

Why are vitamins important? Vitamins are important because they help your immune system stay strong and healthy. Some can provide additional health benefits like energy which is always welcome. Read on to see what vitamins you need to ensure you are eating a balanced diet.

  • Vitamin B12

This is a very important vitamin that everyone needs. If you are not getting enough protein or just follow a plant-based diet, you’ll definitely want to make sure that you get b12 in you. If you don’t, you’ll end up with a variety of health issues such as muscle pain, memory issues, nerve damage and more.  Luckily, there are B12 supplements that you can take to ensure that your diet can be balanced. Such examples would be B12 oral pills and B12 drops. Both work effectively, but we think the vitamin B12 liquid drops work better because you can put it under your tongue and it gets absorbed in your bloodstream pretty much right away.  The oral pills can work too and are usually much cheaper than the b12 liquid drops, but they get digested slowly, therefore you’ll feel the benefits from the b12 come slowly as well.

  • Vitamin C

This vitamin is the vitamin known to keep your immune system healthy. Usually you can get vitamin C from fruits such as oranges and such. But if you don’t eat fruit or vegetables on the regular, you may lack this important vitamin. Without this vitamin, you’ll be susceptible to colds and scurvy. Scurvy, while it was a well-known disease back in the day, is caused by lack of vitamin C. You can still get it, so if you don’t get vitamin C through your diet, it’s important to find a vitamin C supplement to ensure you have what your body needs.

  • Vitamin D & Biotin

Vitamin D is something we usually get through protein and dairy products. But of course, if you’re on a plant-based diet, you may not be getting enough. So you’ll definitely want to include a vitamin D supplement as part of your diet to ensure you don’t have muscle, bone or just getting sick often.

Biotin is another important vitamin that we all need. It influences hair, nails and skin. When you don’t have enough, you’ll usually have hair falling out, brittle nails and more. For this reason, if you are not including things like meat, nuts or certain veggies such as spinach in your diet, then you likely have low biotin levels. Therefore, it’s wise to look into natural biotin supplements. There are various options from liquid biotin, biotin and collagen and even keratin supplements. These supplements can help regrow hair, build back stronger nails and help provide better skin as well.

Final Words

You can have a proper diet without immune support vitamins to achieve the healthy body you are looking for. But once you eliminate certain food groups, you will definitely need to look into natural vitamins that we have discussed today. You should always speak to your doctor or dietician to figure out what’s right for you and what vitamins you’ll need to supplement with. The secret to a long, healthy life is definitely based on what you eat and put inside your body. When you feel better because of either just diet alone or diet with supplements, you end up feeling better about yourself mentally, emotionally, and of course physically.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]