Embarking on Your Healing Journey

Embarking on Your Healing Journey: The Incredible Benefits of Therapy for Trauma

If you have lived through a traumatic event or situation, you already know how deeply trauma can impact your life. It can affect your relationships, self-esteem, quality of life, and so much more.

Some trauma has severe enough effects to be diagnosed as PTSD. However, even if you aren’t sure if you have PTSD or you just haven’t received a diagnosis yet, it’s still important to work through your trauma.

Healing from trauma is difficult to do on your own. With the help of the right therapist, you’re much more likely to work through those difficult feelings and feel like your old self again.

Keep reading, and we’ll tell you about some of the amazing benefits of therapy for trauma.

A Safe Environment

Sometimes trauma is inflicted on you by the people you are close to. If your trauma is related to your family or friends, you may feel like you have no one to turn to when you’re upset about it.

A therapist is there to listen to you, help you, and nothing more. They have no personal stake in the events of your life, and they are bound by confidentiality not to share the things you tell them.

Though the support of family and friends can certainly make trauma recovery easier, a therapist can be there for you in ways other people cannot.

It isn’t always easy to be honest with the people you love. You may be afraid of letting them down or becoming a burden on them.

Therapists see people at their lowest states all the time. They will not judge you or think less of you for being in a bad place. Plus, helping you is their job, so you never have to worry about being “too much” for them.

Coping Skills

One of the most common symptoms of trauma is fear. Some people have panic attacks, others experience heightened anxiety, and some people experience both.

After you survive a traumatic event, it can be easy to start living in fear that something like it will happen again. Coping with trauma is not always intuitive, and your therapist probably knows some helpful strategies that you do not.

Your therapist has extensively studied coping skills specifically for helping people who are traumatized.

They can help you challenge your negative thoughts and learn to believe those good things will happen to you again. Some specialized forms of therapy for PTSD are designed to do just that.

If coping with the effects of trauma is your main concern, it would be best for you to seek out a PTSD therapist.

Healing At Your Core

If you experienced childhood trauma, that may be at the root of a lot of your current problems. Childhood trauma can take many forms, including growing up in an abusive household or witnessing a traumatic event at a young age.

It can be hard to recognize the effects of childhood trauma, especially if it occurred when you were so young that you don’t clearly remember it.

The brains of children are very good at blocking out traumatic events. Some survivors of childhood trauma have large gaps in their memories of growing up.

Managing trauma with a therapist can help you learn more about what you endured as a child and how those experiences affect your current life.

You may have trouble trusting friends or partners, even if you have no good reason for feeling that way. You may have some poorly developed functional skills as a result of having a dysfunctional family.

Whatever problems you are facing, examining their true cause is the only way to heal from them completely.

In trauma therapy, your therapist may talk to you about “mourning your inner child.” This refers to the process of allowing yourself to grieve for the childhood you deserved but did not get.

Allowing your inner child to come out and speak their mind can help your adult self live the best life it can.

Building Strong Relationships

Many adults who have experienced trauma have trouble maintaining healthy relationships. If you have had this experience, you should talk to your trauma therapist about attachment styles and forming healthy bonds with others.

Relationship issues are most common in people who have survived domestic or familial abuse.

Sometimes, trauma can cause you to form an avoidant attachment style. This means that you have trouble getting close to people because you fear getting hurt.

Some people, on the other hand, may form anxious attachment styles. In this case, you’re more likely to cling too much to the people you love because you fear they will abandon you.

Your therapist can give you some tools you can use to challenge these unhealthy attachment styles and form balanced, healthy relationships.

They can also guide you through talking with your partner or friends about your attachment styles. Communicating with the people closest to you about your trauma and attachment style can help them understand how to help you.

Restoring Self-Esteem

Many people experience low self-esteem as a result of their trauma. Although most traumatic events are not your fault, sometimes it can feel like they are.

This is especially common in people whose trauma occurred multiple times over a long period of time. This is medically referred to as Complex-PTSD.

When you spend a long time being abused, for example, you may start to believe that you deserve it. Abusive people often manipulate their victims into thinking this way to avoid being blamed themselves.

Your therapist can help reassure you that you are not at fault for the things that happened to you. Since they have an outsider’s perspective, it can often be extra comforting to hear it from them.

Your therapist can also provide you with daily practices and affirmations to restore your self-esteem to the place it should be.

Try Therapy for Trauma Today

We hope we’ve convinced you that trying therapy for trauma is the right choice for you. The sooner you seek help, the sooner you can reclaim your happiness and live life to its fullest.

You deserve a clean shot at the healthiest life possible.

For more wellness tips, check out the rest of our blog.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of https://hammburg.com/. For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]