Healthy Habits to Help You Gain Weight Safely

Healthy Habits to Help You Gain Weight Safely

Currently, obesity is one of the world’s most significant health issues. About two-thirds of its population is overweight or obese in the United States alone. Thus,  consumers constantly see numerous news, blog articles, and advertisements about new diets, magic pills, and flashy products promising to help them lose weight.

Since most people’s ongoing “battle of the bulge” is front and center, many think that being too thin might not be as bad of a problem. However, in reality, being underweight can be just as bad as being overweight. It can cause multiple health issues, including malnourishment, risk of infection, osteoporosis, fertility problems, negatively impact health treatment outcomes, and many more.

To help combat this problem, here are five (5) healthy habits to help you gain weight safely.

Understanding the Problem

There are different factors why someone is considered underweight. This includes genetics, wherein you were born with higher-than-usual metabolism. There’s also a chance that you have a small appetite. In addition, having frequent workouts or other high physical activities lets you burn more calories than inactive people.

Another factor is illness because being sick can affect your appetite. It can also affect your body’s ability to store and use food. Moreover, if you lose a noticeable amount of weight without trying, consult your doctor because it can signify an underlying disease.

Furthermore, psychological issues can also be a factor. Stress and depression can impact someone’s eating habits, and severe body image fears can lead to eating disorders. When this happens, talk to your doctor. They can help you get the proper care, counseling, and assistance you may need.

One way of determining whether you’re underweight is using the Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator. This tool considers your height, weight, gender, and age to calculate your score. You are considered underweight if your BMI is less than 18.5. In addition, you can also consult a doctor, and they will determine it based on your weight, height, activity level, and eating habits.

Knowing the nature of your problem allows you to formulate an educated and informed plan to solve it. Make a habit of researching to help you more on your weight gain journey.

Opt for a Nutrient-Dense Diet

When you gain weight, it is vital to do it right. Binging on junk foods like donuts and sodas can make you gain weight, but it’s not the healthy way. It can destroy your health. If you are underweight, gain a balanced amount of subcutaneous fat and muscle mass, not an unhealthy amount of belly fat.

Increase Calorie Intake

Gaining weight does not necessarily mean having a drastic change in your diet. You can start by increasing your calorie intake, preferably eating more calories than your body needs. When determining how many calories you need, use a calorie calculator. You can also directly contact your doctor to discuss it.

Eat around 300 – 500 calories more than you burn per day if you want to gain weight slowly but steadily. Moreover, if you want to gain weight fast, aim for 700 – 100 calories above your maintenance level, based on the calculator. However, remember that the calculator only provides estimates.

Foods like cheese, nuts and seed toppings and other side dishes are full of healthy calories. You can also try sunflower seeds, almonds, whole-grain, and wheat toast.

Increase Protein Intake

One of the most crucial things to include in your diet when gaining weight is protein. Our muscles are made out of protein. Eating a sufficient amount of protein is necessary to gain muscle weight and not just fat.

However, keep in mind that food rich in proteins is highly filling. This can significantly reduce your appetite, resulting in you not getting enough calories. That is why aim for at least 0.7 – 1 grams of protein every pound of your body weight or 1.5 – 2.2 grams per kilogram.

Foods high in protein include fish, meats, eggs, legumes, dairy products, nuts, and many more. There are also protein shakes and supplements you can try if you’re struggling with getting enough protein in your diet. Just consult a doctor before taking them.

Keep Exercising

Exercising is beneficial for your overall health and well-being. Moreover, it can also help you gain muscle mass instead of just fat. Strength training which includes lifting weights is the best exercise for increasing weight.

Visit the gym at least 2 – 4 times a week. Focus more on lifting weights and not on cardio since you can end up burning all the calories instead of gaining muscle mass. Moreover, increase the weights and volume you lift over time. If you are a complete beginner, you can hire a qualified personal instructor to help you get started with your weight gain journey. Another advantage of regular exercise is increasing your appetite.

However, it is better to consult your doctor first, especially If you have skeletal problems or other medical issues.

The Bottom Line

Intentional weight change, either gaining or losing, is never simple. However, you can surely hit your goal with the right method and mindset. Moreover, you can always consult a professional doctor or dietician and create a diet program to help you meet your desired weight.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]