How COVID Changed the Tech Industry and What is Coming to Post COVID

The impact of COVID-19 has affected almost every business around the world, due to which the global economy has experienced a dramatic fall. Many businesses have gone bankrupt, while some are still struggling to survive in the pandemic.

Although, the outbreak of coronavirus has served as an accelerant to the Information and Technology industry. Due to the restrictions set up in the global business industry, the only solution that businesses have sought in order to nourish is to move towards the platform of technology.

The COVID pandemic has led the tech industry to consider major changes. Millions of people have to work from home in order to practice COVID protocols and hence the tech sector is upgraded to preserve social community and workplace associations as it is the only solution for remote working and office collusions. IT companies like Zytec are working to fill the gap that coronavirus has obscured by helping people to launch their business on the platform of internet technology.

Here are some significant tech shifts that COVID has brought and what will be the future of this tech industry after COVID:

Healthcare Services

The COVID-19 pandemic has compelled health services to function online. Strained hospital capacity and the risk of catching coronavirus have forced healthcare providers to adopt telehealth and online monitoring. Remote technology in healthcare has been negatively perceived in the past due to the insignia of credibility, but that has completely changed as it is the need of the hour. Patients have now resolved to adopt telemedicine as an intact alternative to physical visits at a clinic or hospital.

Wearable health devices and fitness trackers have gained enormous popularity in response to COVID-19. Nursing homes, households and hospitals will be connected through health devices, ranging from wearable health trackers to wireless monitoring systems that can detect health hazards and emergencies.

Online therapy never made its mark in the health system prior to the pandemic, mainly because practitioners never embraced it as a viable alternative. But now, people have resorted to opting for online therapy as an inexpensive and safe option. Lockdown orders have resulted in a radical increase in anxiety and depression patients. In the interest of all those patients, remote mental healthcare has become a necessity.


The trend of remote working has excessively developed as a result of social distancing protocols. Even though remote working was already in practice by the freelance community, but now jobs and businesses have also conducted it in order to thrive in the lockdown situation. Work from home policies have been introduced by every business and government offices, which has spiked the practicality of video conferences.

Smart glasses with built-in features like video cameras and see-through lenses are in high demand as travel restrictions continue to hinder businesses. This is because the manager/superior office can talk to their subordinate/staff on the site, while viewing the job site. Organising virtual meetings on job sites or in the office not only maintains the work environment, but it also encourages the employees to offer increased productivity.


Schools and Universities have upgraded their e-learning infrastructure. COVID-19 has forced the engagement of remote classrooms in educational institutes. Digital learning still has room for improvement because students are facing difficulties to interact with their teachers through the internet, but for the time being, the vivid overnight expansion of digital learning is broadly endorsed as an efficient approach to contain the coronavirus.

The use of digital education will continue to be cherished as it does not require physically attending a class at a specific location in order to learn. This will increase the overall literacy rate by providing quality education to students who cannot physically attend their classes.

In a nutshell, things  may never be the same after COVID-19, neither the tech industry because it has dominated all the business sectors in such a way that can never be reversed.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]