Ergonomic Desk Setup

How to Design the Perfect Ergonomic Desk Setup

Are you looking for an ergonomic desk setup?

As someone working from home, desk ergonomics are a must. It makes your workdays comfortable while keeping chronic pain in check. If you suffer from chronic back pain from long workdays, it’s time to take a step back.

Start by looking at your desk setup. Our guide will help you with home office ergonomics. Read on and learn how to improve your setup.

Look for Your Natural Posture

Put your chair away from your desk. Get into your standard or most comfortable position. Most people’s natural posture is similar to when you’re sitting in a car.

Your feet must be in front while your hands are in your lap. Relax your shoulders as you lean back. Your butt should rest a little behind you.

This position is often the most comfortable because it’s your body’s natural posture. Your spinal column remains stacked as your back gets enough space to breathe. Your pelvis’s position supports the proper stacking of your vertebrae.

Your natural posture will serve as the basis of your setup. It’s not easy to break away from your usual posture.

To make the posture transition easier, pretend you have a tail. While it may seem unconventional, doing so helps you avoid developing chronic pain. It’s one of the primary reasons most online workers suffer from productivity issues.

Keyboard and Mouse Placement

With your natural posture in mind, put your keyboard and mouse in the right position. Keep your elbows to your sides and hold them at a 90-degree angle or below.

If you do this, you have reduced muscle load. It prevents unwanted strains. While you’re at it, invest in an ergonomic standing desk mat to decrease muscle load further.

Proper Height

Your keyboard’s position must be an inch above your thighs. For most desk setups, it means having a pull-out keyboard tray. You can always lower the desk instead, but the former is a better method.

Proper Tilt

Your keyboard must have a negative tilt position. Allow your keyboard to tilt down and away from you. Your arms and hand will follow your thigh’s downward slope with this position.

A keyboard’s built-in kickstand can often contribute to a bad working position. It can be difficult to achieve a comfortable working position.

Proper Placing

Your keyboard and mouse’s ideal positions must be shoulder-distance apart. Keep them as level as possible. Pick a keyboard without a number pad as it puts your primary letter keys away from the center.

Keep the keyboard level by putting something underneath to raise it. You may also buy a flatter mouse as an alternative. Your objective is to keep both at the same height.

Screen Positioning

Your computer screen setup does not need to be complex. It matters not whether you’re using single or multiple monitors. Use the following considerations to find the right screen position.


You tend to crane your neck when the monitor screen is too far. In the lexicon of ergonomics, this term is “turtling.” It causes both eye strain and neck aches if done for long periods.

Sit back and extend your arm without straining yourself. The sweet spot is when your middle fingertips land on the computer screen.

As for two-monitor setups, set them side-by-side. Ensure it has no gap before placing the less important monitor off-center. If you use both all the time, put them in the center.

After that, sit back and extend your arm, as mentioned above. This time, pan in an arch. Your fingertip must almost always touch both monitors.


To find the right monitor height, close your eyes. After opening them, you must be staring at the address bar. Lower or raise your monitors using either their built-in functions or with books.

As for the angle, tilt your monitors down a tiny bit. It helps avoid reflections that can strain your eyes.

Adjust Your Chair

Your chair plays a major role in determining your ergonomics. It supports a lot of body parts, from your bottom to your back. It also keeps your posture at its best, as long as you take its form.

You have lots of options for chairs. However, like other ergonomic desk components, consider the following.


Consider your natural posture once more. Your tailbone must stick out a bit, and your vertebrae must maintain a slight curve. Your spine’s lumbar portion must point toward your belly.

Sustain this posture by choosing a chair with the right lumbar support. If you have scoliosis, consider a custom-made chair.


When sitting, your chair edge and the back of your knees must have minimal space. The optimal size is around your fist. Depending on your choice, the chair’s seat depth is adjustable.


When sitting, your feet must not dangle from the floor. Keep your feet on the ground and ensure that your thigh sits below your hips.

If you aren’t that tall, use a standing mat to keep your feet from dangling. Never sit on one leg or in another weird position. Find a chair that lets you adjust its height.

Don’t Neglect Physical Activity

Even with a standing desk, a good office setup is useless without physical activity. Staying still for too long is a major factor in developing chronic pain. Take breaks at least once an hour and consider setting an alarm if it helps you remember.

Walk around your home office area and do some stretches. If possible, allocate some space for simple exercise equipment like dumbbells. Exercise not only helps you prevent health issues but also boosts work productivity.

Now You Know What You Need for an Ergonomic Desk Setup

Working at home means more comfort. However, you must never neglect your posture. Achieve a healthier work environment: use the tips above to get an ergonomic desk setup.

Did this guide make you happier and more productive? Consider reading our other articles to learn more tips about your work-from-home experience.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]