Terrace Gardening

How to Start Terrace Gardening in Bangalore


Terrace Gardening is a fairly recent concept, but it has rapidly become a popular way of life, especially in urban areas. Bangalore itself is such a town that has struggled with major urbanisation, leaving little room for biodiversity to thrive. As a result, inhabitants of this new, incredibly quickly city are adopting terrace gardening in order to feel more connected to the world from the comfort of their house.

Now let us start with the fundamentals. You may be wondering what a terrace garden is. A rooftop garden’s meaning is very specific. In simplistic words, a Rooftop Garden is a kitchen garden that you develop on your apartment’s rooftop, terrace, or balcony. Naturally, a rooftop garden in a city like Bangalore may not be as normal as one grown in your courtyard on the field. Thanks to the shortage of room, there are also restrictions on the kinds of crops that can be grown in a terrace yard. 

Terrace cultivation in Bangalore, on the other hand, can indeed be achieved with almost any type of structure, including apartments, single houses, shopping centres, warehouses, and granaries. The only preparation needed is a basic roof waterproof coating. The greatest feature is that you shouldn’t need farming experience to develop your first terrace garden. What you really require is a desire to learn and a determination to want your hands messy. 

Furthermore, a rooftop garden could be established in less than a week, so you can start taking advantage as soon as you seed your initial crop. From a 1 sq.m. field, a well-planned and meticulously tended garden will yield 25kg to 50kg of harvest annually. Isn’t that incredible? A simple roof-top area measuring 30ft x 40ft costs between Rs.10,000 and Rs.12,000 to set up. This is the most cost-effective way to ensure a steady supply of new, local vegetables for the rest of its life.

Weather and Soil Specifications in Bangalore:

Bangalore has a humid subtropical climate, with rainy seasons that are very distinctive. The weather is mild all year due to the increased altitude. Considering the good weather in this urban jungle throughout the year, you’ll need to monitor the periods in which you can cultivate those crops to avoid them dying. 15 °C and 35°C are the minimum and maximum temperature. 

Soil Preparation – Bangalore’s soil is a mix of Red Laterite, delicate loamy, and sedimentary. Iron-rich red soil is beneficial for plant growth such as red gramme, Bengal gramme, green gramme, groundnut, and castor crops. However, new functions will be required to make this type of soil appropriate for all the veggies and fruits that you want to cultivate in your rooftop yard. One of the most useful components for making fertilizer at households is vegetable compost, leaf litter, or animal wastes. A healthy watering mix keeps the soil hydrated and well-drained, which allows for proper airflow.

What are all the prerequisites for beginning terrace cultivation in Bangalore?

When it comes to creating gardens that will provide you with an excellent crop of produce throughout the year, pre-planning is important. We’ve created a list of the few essentials you’ll need before getting your hands messy.

  • Ensure your terrace or roof-top has plenty of sunshine as well as a few sheltered areas.
  • For watering and maintaining the field clean as possible, greater availability to water is important.
  • Having a shading net in tropical and subtropical regions like Bangalore will be hugely helpful.
  • Have enough pergola or stakes for the veggies which need help to flourish, such as creepy crawlies and climbs.
  • Assemble all of your gardening equipment, such as masks, spoons, soles, scrapers, hedge pliers, as well as other tools that are used to blend dirt, remove or prune plants, remove tree branches, and crop .
  • It’s also crucial to understand which plants belong in which containers. They wouldn’t want to plant trees in a sealed jar just to have its branches grow out and destroy the bowl.
  • Get wide containers that are at least 2x2x1 ft in size for climbing. Broad boxes with a height of 6-12 inches, on the other hand, would’ve been ideal for short, green veggies. Longstanding plants that grow to just be huge trees, such as papaya and banana, need reservoirs with such a depth of approximately 5-6 feet.


Because it is readily available on your ceiling, a top floor garden is the ideal place to save a massive amount of money on fresh fruit and vegetables. A terrace garden can be useful in a variety of ways in addition to producing high-quality produce. The following are among the advantages and merits of having a terrace garden in Bangalore. 

  • It serves to maintain the heat down.
  • Aids in the collection of rainwater.
  • Brings you back to the natural world.
  • Makes your house even more pleasing to the eye.
  • Aids in the reduction of emissions.
  • Production is new and healthy.
  • Helps you to cultivate therapeutic herbs and spices in the comfort of your own house.


Thus we have started the procedure of starting a terrace garden with its requirements and benefits. We hope it motivates you to start your own rooftop garden. 

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of https://hammburg.com/. For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]