
How to Use Customized Canopy Tents to Host Local Spring Events

Spring is the time when April showers and May flowers lift the spirits of everyone in the community. Now that the lockdowns are slowly coming to an end, local business owners must start planning their spring marketing strategies. How to attract local shoppers to your outdoor events this spring?

According to marketing experts – a solid marketing strategy can help businesses attract customers at small, local events. A solid marketing strategy featuring high-quality advertising tools like custom-printed banners, flags, and canopy tents can potentially –

  • Motivate local shoppers to check out new offers, promotions, etc., from local stores.
  • Provide opportunities for interacting with the brand, especially the younger audiences.
  • Attract new and old customers to build brand loyalty.

However, achieving these feats is not easy. To get your spring marketing plans started, you’ll need to buy at least one high-quality customized canopy tent. With a durable and branded canopy tent, you can host various spring activities and events. Just host the event in and around your new custom canopy tent!

Here’s how small business owners can host creative spring events with the help of their custom canopy tents –

  • Set Aside Event Locations: Your event location should be compatible with your custom tent. If you want to host large crowds for long periods, arrange seats in and around your canopy tents. Pick canopy tents made of durable, weather-resistant, and synthetic fabrics as they can protect your event attendees from the rain.
  • Pick the Right Type of Tent: Consider multiple factors when buying a custom canopy tent for your spring event. Assess the expected crowd size, terrain specifics, event types, and the storage space needed to safely stock your marketing merchandise. The logical choices for smaller events are – pop-up canopies, inflatable tents, and small portable canopy tents. For bigger events, go for pavilion tents or large canopy tents.
  • Marketing Merchandise: The best part of attending spring events is the free stuff brands give away. Make sure to store marketing merchandise like branded caps, brochures, custom-printed flags, etc., inside your marketing tent. Gift curious attendees with these items. Allocate a share of the total event budget for these gifts. Give the merchandise away as prizes.
  • Host Crowd Competitions: Canopy tents are big enough to host small but fun activities with the event attendees. Here are some fun spring event competition ideas – dance-offs, target practice games, eating competitions, and guessing games. Fuse your brand into each game or competition. Create brand-themed competitions. Reward attendees who know the most about your brand.
  • Food and Entertainment: Spring is the season of delicious mid-day snacks, treats, and drinks. Make food a part of your spring event, and you’ll attract multiple guests. Store all food items and containers inside your custom canopy tent. Canopy tents will protect the food items from wind or moisture damage. Also, install strong speakers or personal amplification systems (PAs) inside the tent. Share brand-related messages via these media tools.

This spring, brands can use custom-printed canopy tents to give their brands serious boosts. Acquire the right type of custom tent for your spring event and start building your brand’s awareness in your community. 

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]