Property Management For Commercial Facility Managers: Top 3 Tips

Behind every successful commercial facility lies a professional building management service that assigns a great manager who keeps checking on everything. With the number of options available, standing out of the crowd and having a top-notch commercial facility is hard. While it is hard, it is not impossible. All it takes is keeping in mind certain factors and responsibilities.

If you are wondering what these responsibilities are, then you have come to the right place. Very often Commercial building managers are mistaken for residential property managers. However, both are different.

Who Are Commercial Facility Managers?

Commercial property managers are those who are responsible for the operational insight and regular maintenance of all properties that are nonresidential by nature. This includes retail spaces, business parks, storage units are other kinds of properties of the same kind. A commercial facility manager’s job comes with a set of problems that one could say are unique.

This makes the job of commercial facility manager different and involves a lot more responsibilities.

How Does One Become A Good Commercial Facility Manager?

Everyone wants to be a great commercial facility manager, however, this requires hard work, determination, and dedication. What it also additionally needs is to be well informed and someone who takes the time to study and indulge in research.

So here are the top 3 tips on how you can strive to become a great facility manager.

Be Aware Of Software.

There used to be a time wherein everything had to be done manually with a human set of hands. However, thanks to technology, things that used to take days to finish or compile, can now be done within a few seconds. With every passing day, a variety of software is being created to help ease solid manual work. By cutting this out, not only are you saving time, but you are also saving money. Having the software will reduce the number of hands needed, thereby reducing your costs. You can automate the process using Funnel Leasing CRM.

When you take care of commercial space, there are a lot of different activities that require you to collect and store important data. Not just this, there are certain regulations, rules, and other transactional details which must be kept in mind at all times. Now while you may even have super memory, having a space where all of this information could be stored is very important. There is some brilliant software that has been made that will help you store and remind you and your team about these rules. More than anything, instead of spending time looking through pages, you can find whatever information you want about clients, money, or any other policy with a simple search button.

Finally, nothing can help organise your data like software. While manual registration in books did work out well long back, there would always be a possibility of misplacing it, getting stolen or even getting destroyed due to regular wear and tear. By having good software in place, you are reducing your chances of any of these kinds of events happening A LOT. Now the counter to having software is the fear of information getting wiped out, however, most software is connected to servers. These services create backups of your data. This means even if due to an unfortunate stroke of luck, your data gets wiped out, with a little help, you can get your data back within no time.

A good commercial property manager always ensures that they collaborate and have the best of such software available so that no data goes missing or gets compromised.

How Well Do You Know About Your Space?

Good commercial building managers will always take the time to know and understand all about the space that they are dealing with. They will know information about the industry and the space that they are working for. Usually, when a person deals with a residential property, the responsibilities are pretty much standard with all of the spaces.

However, commercial properties include a variety of clients and different rules. This means the rules that need to be followed for a restaurant to function will not be the same as a merchandise store or an office space. This makes the job of a commercial facility owner a lot more diverse compared to a residential property owner.

Therefore, taking the time to understand every industry of the commercial spaces owned and figuring out which plan of action works best for each of them is pretty important.

Time must be taken out to conduct routine inspections of all commercial spaces to see how they are doing and what other precautions or additions need to be done to make it even better. By keeping track of what each commercial space is used for, areas of work, health, and conditions, you will be able to plan well and take care of all your spaces. When you do this, you will automatically become a person whose commercial space is appreciated.

Clients will want to use your space due to how well you are in sync with it and due to how much importance is being given to every space. This can only be achieved by being informed and keeping yourself up to date with the latest information about every industry space.

Go With The Flow

A lot of people complain that regular upgrades are very expensive and do not make sense. But this notion is very wrong. By not doing this, you are automatically pushing away the possibility of getting new clients on board. You are also risking losing your current clients because someone else will always beat you to it by installing a simple upgrade.

Everyone wants what is best for their shops and offices, so it is only fair that a good commercial property manager takes the time to research and find out what good upgrades are available. By constantly upgrading your space, you are creating a welcoming atmosphere for all your current clients, plus you will automatically become hot news and a favourite to new clients who are looking for a space.

Not all upgrades need to even be expensive. By taking just a little extra time to research, you will easily find cheap but highly popular upgrades that can completely change the look and course of the future of your commercial space. Even a small simple upgrade could prove to bring about massive changes and make even a pretty old property space look fun and brand new! You can do this by making it a part of your property maintenance plan.

That way you do not have to plan this separately or be worried about missing out on it or perhaps forgetting about it.

By taking the time and effort to do this you are guaranteed to have a lot happier clients who will not only continue with your space but also spread the word about how much care is being given by you to keep the space top notch.

These are our 3 sure-shot tips for great commercial building management and maintenance! Follow it and you will surely see a huge change in your client’s happiness levels and will have new clients wanting to be a part of your commercial space!

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]