Great Room More Cozy

Ideas to Make Your Great Room More Cozy

The world is slowly entering a new phase of the pandemic: the After Phase. Cities are re-opening, offices are re-opening, and remote positions are ending. This means your most likely heading back out into the world for long hours at the office and readjusting to your daily commute.

When you’re not used to expending that much energy, it’s important to have a comforting space, like your great room, to come back to after a long and stressful day. But maybe racking your brain trying to come up with ideas for adding extra coziness to your great room is a bit stressful. Get a bit of help and try out one of these ideas to make your great room cozier.

Rugs On Rugs On Rugs

Area rugs are important accent pieces for any home. Not only they will make your room look great, but a rug will add a whole new level of comfort to your home. Although tile or bare wood floors add a lot of character and class, a fur area rug will add warmth and softness, as well as another place to comfortably stretch out if you toss in some fluffy floor cushions.

An Ottoman Like No Other

When you’re trying to cozy up a room, the more squishy soft surfaces, the better. Eliminate the hardwood of a coffee or side table with an upholstered ottoman. Double points for using an ottoman because it acts as an extra storage space for blankets and pillows.

Warm Colors, Warm Heart

Color psychology is an extremely important consideration when decorating a room. If you’re looking to up your interior design game, this is a solid knowledge block to add to your foundational skills. You should exercise it every time you decorate a room.

To add an extra level of cozy comfort to your great room, you should delve into the color psychology of warm colors: reds, yellows, and oranges. Just be careful when deciding on the tint or shade. Too bright of a shade could induce feelings of anger, rage, and high energy. Quite the opposite effect you’re going for, for your cozy great room.

Large and Overstuffed Furniture is the Way to Go

As charming as dainty chairs are, and as grand as hand-crafted heirloom wood chairs are, they aren’t as inviting as a cushy, overstuffed recliner or love seat. Another element of cozy is filling a space. Adding a large sectional sofa is the way to go if you want to enjoy couch naps and have room to stretch your legs when you’re hosting a movie night with your friends.

The Art of Clutter

Minimalism and decluttering have been all the rage these days. Especially after Marie Kondo became a household name. But here’s the thing, not every room needs to be a minimalist’s sanctuary. Change the rules for your great room and give yourself permission to relax the strict guidelines, because there’s something oddly comforting about a little purposeful clutter.

Allow yourself to have shelves stuffed with your favorite books or your curated record collection. Adorn the room with knick-knacks and trinkets and decorative boxes. Save the minimal, optimized-for-productivity spaces for the office where you need to focus.

Plush Floor Pillows to Amp Up the Cozy Factor

Why should your couch be the only cozy place in the great room? Spread the cozy, plush comfort throughout the entire room with the addition of floor pillows, cushions, and poufs. This comfy trend has become all the rage in the last year, and there’s plenty of reasons why. Choose from meditation pillows, full-body lounge pillows, and trendy beanbags.

Embrace Layers of Soft Fabrics and Textures

Did you know the feel of fabric can affect the way you feel? That’s why it’s important to select the fabrics for a room carefully. For a cozy great room, surrounding yourself with soft fabrics like velvet, suede, furs, and wool are all fantastic choices.

Not only are the fabric choices important, but how you use them is important, too. There are the obvious pieces like the couch, blankets, and the rug when it comes to choosing fabric. But don’t forget about other areas like your curtains and even fabric wall hangings and tapestries.

A Fireplace is an Ultimate Comfort

There’s nothing like cozying up on your couch with blankets and a warm beverage after a long day of work and unwinding next to the fireplace. There’s a reason why people are googling ‘holiday fireplace ambiance on YouTube.

Don’t wait for the holidays to enjoy the comforts and joys of a fireplace. If you’re concerned about the costs, treat yourself to the best electric fireplace. Installation is cheaper than a traditional fireplace, they’re cleaner, and may actually help lower your electricity bill in the cold months as well.

A Little, Or A Lot Of, Plants

Some people add a plant to their office desk for a touch of peace and comfort but imagine how soothing a room full of greenery could be. Plants bring life and light to a room and your mind. There’s even science to back it up. Adding a few, or a lot, of plants to your great room, will lower your blood pressure, lower your anxiety levels, and improve your overall mental well-being.

They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but those people sure underestimated what a whole plant could do. Nothing is more comforting than a space that helps you destress and boost your mood.

Comfort First, Comfort Last, Comfort Always

Making a room cozy is an art, not a style. Whether your interior design style is Bohemianism, Art Deco, Zen, or Hollywood Glam, you can always play with the elements within that style and adapt it to suit your needs for comfort. Don’t fuss about minimalist designs being anti-comfort. Simply add some purposeful cushy floor pillows and use them for seated meditation or lounging with a good book.After all, it’s your home, and your home is your refuge. The best thing about making your space cozier is that cozy will always be in style. As Pro Interior Designer Timothy Corrigan says, “It’s comfort first, comfort last, comfort always.”

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]