Bird Proofing

Knowing More About Bird Proofing

When you think about your property, would you say that it is protected from birds? Many property owners do not consider the problems that pest bird species can cause until they discover them first-hand. Indeed, birds can be very destructive in different ways, and this can be a huge expense to your property.

The key is to understand why bird proofing is necessary and what you can do to protect your property. With this information, you are going to be better off. So, let’s get started and learn more about bird proofing.

Prevention is Better Than Legal Trouble

They always say that prevention is better than cure. Well, this is something that is true when it comes to pest bird species. It is better to prevent them from becoming a problem on your property than try to get rid of them later on. The reason for this is that there are laws in place to protect birds, nests and their eggs. Namely, we are talking about the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981.

This legislation makes it an offence to kill or injure birds, their nests and eggs. You do not have the freedom to do whatever you like just because it is on your property. You can end up being fined and face consequences if you break the law. That is why you want to take bird proofing seriously from the beginning. You can avoid having to think about the law later on, and you avoid any possible penalties.

Bird Proofing is Offered by Bird Control Companies

Nobody wants to get into trouble with the law. So, if you want to take bird proofing seriously, it starts out by finding out what you can do. Well, you should start by contacting a bird control company. They will advise you on the best thing you can do to protect your property. As an example, Apex Bird Control are a well-known bird control company. They provide you with a dedicated project manager who will survey the property and see what you can do to protect it. This includes coming up with a bespoke solution for keeping birds out.

In particular, many homeowners opt for things like anti-bird netting and spikes. These can be installed by professional companies and cover places like windowsills, roofs and high ledges. They act as barriers that stop birds from roosting and nesting. They are long-term solutions before birds become a problem.

Birds are Destructive

Being pre-emptive with bird control is key to protecting your property. This does not give them time to roost or nest, which is what is going to cause the damage. Here is how birds can be destructive to your property.

Guano is Messy

First of all, birds can leave a real mess behind. They can get guano everywhere and it will drop wherever they are. This can end up being all over the brickwork, on roofs and even over windows. It can be frustrating to see this, and it can be difficult to get rid of. This is particularly true when it is high up on your building.

Damage Paintwork

Bird guano is acidic, which means that it is able to permanently damage your property. In particular, your paintwork can be damaged in just a few minutes when it comes into contact with bird guano. This can devalue your property, as well as cause expensive repairs. This is the last thing you want.

They are Noisy

Let’s not forget that birds are not just destructive to your building. The can also cause problems in your life. For example, birds are known to cause a lot of noise, and this is particularly true when there is a lot of them. They can wake you up early in the morning, as well as disturb you during the day. Let’s not forget that when birds have a nest, they can become aggressive too, if you get too close.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]