Milk Supply

My Postpartum Journey: Tips on How to Increase Your Milk Supply

After the joyous occasion of welcoming a newborn into your family, most new mothers will immediately begin to worry about how much milk they are producing for their baby. We all know that the production of breastmilk is one of the most important factors in determining whether or not a mother has successfully given birth. The quality and quantity of your breastmilk directly affect the health of your child. 

If you’re reading this article, it’s likely because you are experiencing some difficulties with your breastfeeding journey and are concerned that you might not be producing enough milk for your child. In this blog post, we will explore some great tips on ways to increase milk supply after giving birth. So keep reading!

What is a Healthy Milk Supply?

A healthy milk supply can be defined as the amount of breastmilk that a mother produces to feed her child. Ideally, a mother’s body will produce the perfect amount of breastmilk to meet the nutritional needs of her newborn. If your newborn is receiving an adequate amount of breastmilk, they will grow at a healthy rate and develop normally. If the amount of breastmilk that your baby is receiving is insufficient, however, they may suffer from nutritional deficiencies and dehydration. This can cause a wide array of developmental issues, including jaundice, anemia, and developmental delay. A mother’s breastmilk is also responsible for protecting a newborn baby against a number of infections and illnesses. If a baby’s breastmilk supply is insufficient, they will be at risk of contracting serious bacterial infections.

Tips to Increase Your Milk Supply

As previously mentioned, a healthy milk supply is crucial to the well-being of a newborn. Here are some tips on how to increase your milk supply after giving birth:

  • Drink Plenty of Fluids – One of the best ways to increase your milk supply is to stay hydrated. When you are well hydrated, your body will be able to produce a greater volume of breastmilk. Breastfeeding mothers should drink at least eight glasses of water per day.
  • Eat a Healthy Diet – Another great way to boost your breastmilk production is by eating a healthy, high-calorie diet. You can increase your breastmilk production by consuming a wide range of high-calorie foods and beverages, such as yogurt, oatmeal, peanut butter, avocado, and coconut water.
  • Stay Positive – New mothers often find themselves experiencing feelings of guilt or stress, especially when they are struggling to produce enough breastmilk. If you practice positive thinking and embrace your breastfeeding journey, you will be more likely to increase your milk supply.

Try Breastfeeding Techniques

There are a number of breastfeeding techniques that can be useful for increasing your milk supply. Here are some of the most effective breastfeeding tips for increasing your milk supply:

  • Use a Pumping Schedule – When you are breastfeeding, it is important to maintain a consistent pumping schedule. If you are pumping every two hours, you will be able to extract more breastmilk from your breasts than if you were pumping at irregular intervals.
  • Use a Wide-Mouth Bottle – When you are pumping, you want to make sure that you are using the correct size nipple. The most common nipple size is either a standard or a wide-mouth nipple. These nipples mimic the natural sucking motion of a baby and are designed for maximum milk flow.
  • Try Massaging Your Breasts – If you have ever heard the expression “milk production is triggered by pressure,” this breast massage technique is the perfect example of that adage. By stimulating your lactation through breast massage, you can increase your milk production.

Using Supplemental Nursing Techniques (SNTs)

Supplemental Nursing Techniques are used to boost milk supply in mothers who are experiencing low milk production. Although these techniques may be helpful for some mothers, they should not be used as a primary method for increasing milk supply. Here are some examples of Supplemental Nursing Techniques:

  • Breast Feeding with a Supplemented Bottle – This technique is exactly as it sounds: a breastfeeding mother will feed their child from the breast and then top off their feeding with a supplemented bottle.
  • Warming Up Breast Milk – If you are using a supplemented bottle to feed your child, you should heat the milk to a temperature that is comfortable for a baby to drink.
  • Supplementing Breast Milk with an Herbal Supplement – There are a number of herbal supplements that are claimed to increase milk production. These supplements are available at a wide variety of online retailers and drugstores.


As you can see, there are a number of ways that you can increase your milk supply after giving birth. If you are having trouble producing enough breastmilk for your baby, there is no need to worry. There are many different breastfeeding techniques that you can use to boost your milk production. 

If you are still having trouble increasing your milk supply after implementing the tips and techniques listed above, it is recommended that you speak with a lactation consultant. A lactation consultant will be able to help you troubleshoot and resolve any issues that may be impeding your milk production. With some patience and persistence, you will be able to increase your milk supply and successfully breastfeed your child.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]