Saddle Sore

Saddle Sore ? – Cycling Issue to be Solved

When we are riding a bike, especially for a long time or long distance ride, we might get saddle sore. It occurs as a result of moisture, pressure and friction where cyclist sit on the bike seat (saddle). And saddle sore is about to develop over time, starting with simple chafing of the skin over the buttocks, genital region and inner thigh.

Saddle sore issue might not be completely solved, but it can be effectively relief if cyclist take some actions as blow.

– Get a suitable bike. Pick the right size bike according to your height and weight, riding with an unproper size bike tend out to cause more saddle sores. Go to the bike shop and let the seller do the recommendation for you.
– Buy yourself a suitable cycling shorts, either waist shorts or bib shorts. The specially designed cycling shorts are with 3D or 4D chamois / padding, which will help reduce the frictions from the bike seat. Sports waist and bib shorts are recommended. The padding are made up with memory foam, which is breathable enough and also the shape of the padding is very comfort. With a density of 90kg/m3, it can help ease the friction for at least a 100km ride. You can also check the padded cycling bib that has a double polyester band which is well known for its durability.

– Get a saddle cover if you normally do a short ride. If the riding distance is not long and you don’t want to wear a specific cycling apparel, then, you might want a saddle cover. With the silicon padding on, it increases the riding comfort of the seat. You can take it off or put it on pretty easy.

– Changing the riding positions now and then. You don’t need to sit on your bike all the way long, Learn some other riding positions to increase the riding safety and comfort from other experienced cyclists. Change the positions now and then can help reduce the friction chance with your bike seat, and prevent saddle sore
– Wash your bicycle shorts frequently once your cycling journey is over. Follow the manufacturer’s wash notice. Take a shower to help clean the bacteria on your body as well.

If you already catch up a saddle sore, take it easy, use the tips below, it might help you heal.
– Stay off your bike for several days and leave yourself some time to heal. If you continue to ride with sores, it might tend to get worse.
– Keep the affected parts dry and clean to avoid further infections.
– Use over-the-counter pain relievers, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen.
– Apply a warm compress to the affected area.
– If your sores is not reduced after one day, it might already infected, you might need to go to the doctors and get some medical help.

If all the preparation is done, just enjoy the beauty on the road and have fun!

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]