Social sciences

Social sciences in 2022: 10 careers to choose from.

How do social science graduates fare in the job market after graduation? There are plenty of people who feel lost about their career choice, so you are not alone. Graduates face the same dilemma, but there is always a panacea that can solve this dilemma. Graduands should know what kind of job awaits them after they graduate so that they can prepare for the future. To keep yourself motivated during your studies and to help you understand why you’re putting in the long hours of study, you must know what you want to achieve with your degree. 

Graduates of the social sciences are responsible for the well-being of their entire community, including their families and friends. As well as being a satisfying field, it also has a positive impact on the society in which it is located. In the modern world, social workers play an essential role in society’s functioning, providing essential front-line services that thousands of people rely on every day. 

Graduates of the Social Sciences degree program can apply for a variety of jobs requiring various skills, knowledge, and abilities and to various fields and specializations. Business, finance, international relations, law, political science, and international communication are some of the most important disciplines of the social sciences.  For those of you feeling lost while looking for careers, we’ve listed some of the most sought-after and trending jobs in social sciences in 2022.

Be a Lawyer

What do you want to contribute to the world by fighting for people’s rights and adding more impartiality? You might be interested in studying law. A student can choose from several sub-disciplines, such as Criminal law or Civil procedure law. There are many possible careers for lawyers, including:

  • Counselor
  • Attorney
  • Divorce Lawyer
  • Judge

Be a Rehabilitation worker

Many efforts are being made to reintegrate offenders into a reformed, mainstream society at the other end of the justice process. A treatment program is beneficial for preventing recidivism and returning a criminal offender to a destructive cycle of crime. 

There is a significant role for people who have a deep understanding of criminal behavior in these positions. Understanding why people commit crimes can be of great value to anyone and can prevent them from falling into bad habits after they are released. Being a part of this industry is gratifying. It might be of interest to you to do an online master’s degree in counseling if you are interested in a career that makes you feel like you are contributing to society significantly, a characteristic of all careers in social sciences.

Be an Artist

Several of the best places to earn a Master of Fine Arts degree are those colleges and schools that offer courses in painting, sculpture, fine art, or anything related to the arts. Taking art history classes will help you understand the influence of social, cultural, and even political factors on the ideas and work of famous artists and what has become the mainstream painting in the late 20th century. Taking art history classes can lead to the following careers:

  • Art Critic
  • Art Critic
  • Art consultant
  • University lecturer

Be an Engineer

Universities around the world offer many career options in engineering as one of the most popular and well-known degrees. Engineering degrees are increasingly being viewed as a springboard to interdisciplinary careers, and the demand for professional engineers is rapidly increasing. Several degrees lend themselves to majoring in engineering and if you are confused  about choosing your dissertation topics, ask for help from Research Prospect.

  • An electrical engineer
  • A mechanical engineer 
  • A systems engineer
  • A parts inspector
  • An engine designer
  • A patent clerk.
  • A Road engineer
  • A Civil engineer
  • A Biomechanical Engineer
  • A Chemical Engineer

Be a Web Designer

A Master’s degree in web design may be the right path for you if you are creative and have an eye for details. An excellent web designer can converge the character and physical aspects of a website without overlooking its purpose and usability, thereby increasing users’ satisfaction. A designer is responsible for creating any thought or idea for a website logo and how it is designed, and many more things. Upon graduation, you can choose from the following career options:

  • Graphic designer
  • Editor
  • Visual artist
  • Advertising copywriter

Be a Computer Specialist

Digital technology is a fact of life in the 21st century. It is estimated that there is a shortage of computer specialists worldwide. Due to this, most universities offer a wide range of degrees in computer science with various specializations. There are a few of the most popular and related majors that can be found in schools:

  • Video game specialist
  • Multimedia specialists.
  • Game testers.
  • Web designers.
  • Network engineer.
  • Computer programmer.
  • Database administrator.

Be a Fashion Designer

What do you think about vogue, trends, and couture? Is it something you are interested in? Do you think that a fashion design master’s degree would interest you? There are many career paths you can choose from, including:

  • Fashion designer
  • Fashion columnist/correspondent
  • Fashion Analyst 
  • Brand supervisor

Be a Business Manager

The secondary objective of this program is to prepare you to manage your own business or organize other businesses. If you have ever dreamed of running your own business, you can fulfill your dream by achieving a master’s degree in a variety of fields, including an MBA, a master’s in marketing, a master’s in risk management, a master’s in sales training, or a master’s in supply chain logistics. According to the business field, the following are some of the most common areas of study:

  • Sales administrator
  • Auditor
  • Monetary controller
  • Enterprise capitalist
  • Tax accountant

Be a Psychologist

Those with a background in psychology will probably find this one of the easiest courses on the planet. The demand for psychologists in private practice continues to grow due to society’s increasing awareness of mental health. This does not necessarily mean that those who want to work in this field should restrict themselves to these specific fields.

Many companies employ in-house psychologists to support their HR departments within their companies. Ensuring that employees are happy and healthy is becoming an ever-increasing concern. To maintain healthy employees, companies are willing to do everything to avoid health issues. As professional sports teams recognize the benefits of having players who excel physically and mentally, they are also increasingly turning to sports psychologists.


If you want to have a career where you get to be adept, succeed, and cultivate a flourishing career, these are just some possible options. You can go for other useful master’s programs, and new degrees are introduced over time. To move forward in your study program, you have already surpassed the greatest major hurdle, and at this point, all that is left to do is take small steps forward. Hence, use your imagination while thinking carefully and use it to your advantage. Whenever possible, try to imagine your career path and consider making it a career that suits your interests and challenges

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]