Car Accident


To be in a car accident is among the most tragic things for anyone ever to experience. Like any other city in the world, Austin witnesses its share of auto accidents as well.

But sadly, Austin recorded a higher number of road accident fatalities in 2020 than in the last five years despite fewer drivers on the roads currently. Finding a reliable auto accident lawyer in Austin can help victims file for rightful compensation.

But what are the other things that a victim can do in the immediate aftermath of an accident? Find out below.

Check for injuries on yourself and fellow passengers

In cases where the people involved in a car crash become debilitated, the bystanders will call the emergency services on their behalf. But there are less severe crashes where victims can walk away from the scene relatively unharmed.

Even if you happen to be in one of these less harsh accidents, you should first check everywhere for possible injuries. That’s because victims often don’t realize they’ve been injured because of the shock of the impact. So, once you’ve checked yourself, do the same for your fellow passengers, if any.

Move to a safe place

If your car is lying in the middle of the road after the crash, with oncoming traffic around, you need to move it to the side. But if the vehicle isn’t in a condition to be driven, you should move away from it. Find a safe spot on the side of the road while you wait for help to arrive.

Also, pedestrians accounted for approximately 42% of all traffic-related casualties in 2018. So, even if you are not driving, the chances of being hit will be high if you aren’t careful on the roads. That’s because, as per police records, most Austin accidents are the result of distracted and drunk driving.

Call the police and take pictures

Report the crash to the police once you’ve checked yourself and the others for injuries and have found a safe place away from the accident site. While you wait on the sidelines, take as many pictures of the accident site as you can if you have a camera with you. You can also use your smartphone, provided you can take clear photos, as evidence eventually.

Hire an auto accident lawyer

Once you hire an excellent auto accident lawyer in Austin, hand over the pictures of the crash to him. Your attorney will help you get the medical attention you need, go to the court on your behalf, represent your interests at the insurance agency, and file a compensation claim on your behalf. They have unbeatable expertise and knowledge of Austin traffic regulations which can help your case immensely.

Keep the accident-related files safe

The incident of a bicyclist’s injury and subsequent death, in E. Anderson Lane became the fourth fatal crash in 2021 due to traffic. You can look up traffic fatalities and even get your crash reports online. It is critical to keep these reports safe as they contain important information such as the cause of the crash, who was at fault, damage estimate, etc. They will help your lawyer get you the best possible compensation.

Police authorities believe speeding to be the cause for most Austin accidents. And while there is a 7% spike in the number of accident-related deaths, the severity of crash injuries has reduced.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]