Smartsheet Dashboard

Tips for Designing Your Smartsheet Dashboard

Data is currently the lifeline of every organization and it is a little hard for organizations to actually ignore it. The whole gameplay is about data, which means if the organizations are able to interpret data, then this can surely take them to places.

One of the most important aspects of data is ‘Visibility’. The problem is that we all have access to raw data which is huge, but we should be able to make sense of that data, which is primarily the need of the hour. This is the reason why the Smartsheet dashboard has picked up the pace.

Smartsheet dashboards give real-time visibility into essential data and critical resources and provide an easy way for configuration. It centralizes all the information regarding the project in a single piece. It displays the live data of the reports and the sheets.

The constraints of the project such as time, scope, and budget can be tracked and managed. A dashboard helps to understand the progress of the reports and helps in decision making.

If you don’t know how to design the dashboard in the smartsheet software, don’t worry; we are here to help you. In this article, we are going to see the steps for creating the dashboard in the smart sheet.

Create a new dashboard

The steps to create the dashboard are

  • Go to the solution center (on the left navigation bar) and click on the plus (+)
  • Click and select the portal (dashboard) tile (on the left panel)
  • Type the name of the dashboard you need and then click ok
  • A blank new dashboard appears on the screen
  • To add information to the dashboard, click on the pencil icon (present at the upper right-hand corner)
  • To know about how to configure a widget and its type, go through the dashboard widget article.

After adding the widget, don’t forget to make changes to its size and location.

If you want to place the widget in a different location, click and drag it and paste it (on the location you want).

For resize, click and drag the lower right corner (widget). Save your widget after making any new changes.

Make changes to a dashboard

To make changes in the dashboard, click on settings or add widgets. Visit add and edit widgets on the dashboard for more information.

Adjust the color of the dashboard background

 If your dashboard is opened on the smart sheet, the background would be grey or white to change it follow the steps,

Click on the edit (upper left corner of the dashboard)

Click on the dashboard setting. Now select the background color you need and save it.

Apply custom colors

To select colors for the titles, charts, and fonts, one can choose from the standard pre-set or use HEX code, or RGB code, to add a custom color. Select the + icon for making a custom color with the selected color. one can add up to 20 customer colors

The dashboard refreshes after every 10 minutes automatically

For changing the frequency, follow the following stops

Go to the upper left and click view; click on auto fresh

Hope the article was helpful with the following steps on can easily create a dashboard in the spreadsheet software

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]