
Tips From Marion Gluck Clinic – How To Help Another Person Through Menopause

One of the most important steps in preparing for the momentous occasion in the life of a woman is with plenty of information on the subject. This will give you a better idea of what your friend, relative, partner, or coworker is going through and how you can help them.  

Begin by taking the time to learn about the symptoms of menopause and how you can best address these issues. These symptoms will impact the life of your loved ones and how they react in certain situations. By fully understanding these symptoms you will have a better idea of the type of support to provide.  

Listen to them 

Communication is the key to any good relationship. The best thing to do is to check in with them constantly to see how they are doing and what they are going through. It is very important to understand that not everyone will feel comfortable or easily talk about their feelings. Furthermore, everyone will experience menopause differently and it will be important not to make any assumptions about what they are going through.  

Encourage them

They may not feel the same enthusiasm and drive in doing the things that they normally would. This can lead to feelings of depression and a loss of self-esteem. This is where words of encouragement can go a long way in making them feel uplifted and empowered.  

Even though they may initially be reluctant, it is important to engage them in social activities. This will fight back depressive feelings and can mitigate the harshness of their symptoms.   

Help with their symptoms 

While it is often the last thing many people going through menopause feel inclined toward, seeking out an active lifestyle is the best way to deal with the severe symptoms of this part of life. You should encourage joining a dancing club, swimming team, or yoga class to get more active.  

Another good way to reduce the severity of the symptoms associated with menopause is to cut back on smoking and alcohol. For example, taking an evening to cook a healthy meal is a far better idea than heading down to the pub.  

You may even talk about the various menopause treatment options available to them from their GP. They would probably appreciate the support and care they will see if they go to the GP.  

Sexual wellbeing and intimacy 

There is a considerable loss of sexual intimacy and arousal largely caused by the hormonal changes that occur during this time of life. They may soon find that their desire for the carnal copulations of sexual intimacy has diminished and this can place a strain on relationships and cause upset for both them and their partner. Some of the other symptoms of this loss of sexual desire may include:  

vaginal dryness  

discomfort in penetrative sex  

Night sweats that affect sleep and lower energy for sex 

Emotional changes that can cause stress  

There are treatment options for those that present these symptoms. Nevertheless, the best results involve taking a slow and intuitive plan to better comfort and sexual satisfaction. Much can be accomplished by listening to your partner, and observing how they are changing and what they need at the moment.  

There are also plenty of other ways to show immeasurable amounts of love that can do wonders in healing the soul. Regularly talking about sexual intimacy is another way to lower the barriers that can easily rise at this time of life and allow a woman in menopause to feel that closeness that can is especially beneficial in reducing the symptoms of menopause.  

It is important to remember that a woman can still get pregnant in menopause and it will be important to have those conversations about the appropriate use of contraceptives.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]