Body Detox

Top Signs That You Are Suffering From Addiction And Need To Go For Medical Detox


Drug addiction often starts with an experimental use of social settings. While virtually anything can be misused; however, there are some drugs that carry more risk compared to others.

It is important to identify the sign of substance use in its early phase so that it can stop before becoming a serious problem.

What Is Addiction?

Addiction is like a chronic disease. Like any other disease that affects different parts of constituents of the body, addiction affects the brain’s reward, memory function, and motivation.

Someone who has become addicted to something will crave the same substance and show behavioral changes. This also includes ignoring other areas of life or supporting their desires.

A healthy person can identify the addictive behavior and get rid of it. However, this is not the case with someone who has fallen victim to addiction. Instead of admitting their fault, they will find a reason to justify their behavior.

The first step of starting your addiction treatment is recognizing the physical, mental, and emotional signs that point to addictive behavior. Once you recognize the sign, the next step is to call for a professional detox center to help you recover.

Don’t know where to find the right detox center? We are here to help you.

Signs of Addiction

When it comes down to common social behavior, it is hard to determine whether or not it is an addiction. Perhaps, what looks like addiction can be an experimental phase or a form of stress management activity.

But what if it is a real addiction? If it is left untreated, it can develop into a debilitating habit.

Hence, it is important that you have enough understanding of the addiction signs to differentiate between the two. Here we have listed down a few signs that will define a person being addicted to substance abuse.

1. Insomnia

The people who suffer from drug addiction generate an erratic sleeping pattern or go through insomnia. So when you find someone feeling tired early in the morning due to lack of sleep, you have all the reasons to question them about what they were doing.

A possibility is that they might stay up long to watch their favorite shows, but if this continues, it is certain that they are addicted to something.

2. Change In Appearance

When someone is exposed to long-term drug abuse, their physical appearance shows some drastic changes. For instance, you might find a sudden weight loss that might not seem normal or a tired-looking face as if they haven’t slept for days.

These rapid changes in weight and loss of interest in personal grooming can point to substance abuse.

3. Paraphernalia

It is quite common to find obvious indicators on where or not they are on drug addiction. Here are a few things to notice while you enter someone’s room.

  • Cigarette wrapping paper.
  • Rolled banknotes.
  • Cut-up straws.
  • Razorblade (now that’s serious).

Yes, not all drugs require any equipment, but you will certainly find the difference after entering into rooms of a normal person and a person suffering from addiction.

4. Loss Of Interest

Substance dependency usually takes over the mind’s reward system. You will experience a loss of interest in the hobbies and activities that you once cherished or spend less time with your family members. This only means that all the energy is funneling towards feeling your drug addiction impulses.

5. Mood Swings

Mood swings are common for people suffering from addiction. You might find yourself experiencing different emotions in a small span of time. That being said, if a normally calm and collected person seems hyper or an optimistic person suddenly dealing with depression, it could be the result of drug abuse.

6. Reclusive & Private Behavior

Substance abuse behavior is incredibly isolating. A person who is under the influence of addiction often experiences shame and social stigma. This can cause a person to withdraw completely from social life, relationships and become secretive about their movements.

Reclusive behavior includes:

  • Spending most of their time in their rooms.
  • Locking the door for no reason.
  • Not sharing any information about themselves.
  • Outplaced aggression.

7. Erratic Behavior

Behavioral changes are quite evident in most substance addictions. Depending on the drug, the HIGH could be associated with Euphoria, feeling of power, and invulnerability. These are all the senses that could lead us to reckless and dangerous actions.

This directly affects mental health, pushing the patients into depression and anxiety. For people suffering from these synergistic conditions, dual diagnosis is the key.

8. Struggling With Limits

Struggling with the prescription limits can signify that you have fallen into addiction. Usually, medical drugs are prescribed to the patients in a limited amount so that it doesn’t affect the body’s normal functioning. However, the moment you feel like taking more than what your doctors have asked, be careful about taking medicine. It is a sign that shows you are in the initial phase of addiction.

Steps Towards Recovery

It is important to have quick access to the treatment once you have realized that you have fallen victim to addiction. Addiction often affects many aspects of your life. Hence, go for the most comprehensive treatment.

The most effective treatment comprises several steps that vary from person to person and situation to situation. These steps include:

  • Behavioral counseling.
  • Long-term follow-up.

While all the addictions can be treated, you can only succeed if the patient itself is trying to change and pull back themselves up from the addiction.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]