Irritability in Your Moods

Ways to Recognize & Reduce Irritability in Your Moods

Everyone gets irritable from time to time. However, if you find yourself irritable a lot, this may be a sign of something else, such as a mood disorder, ADHD, or menopause. Other causes of irritability include stress, sleep deprivation, anxiety, and low blood sugar. If your irritability is not due to a medical condition, there are things you can do to manage it naturally. If you learn what to look for, you can take something, like over the counter anti anxiety medication, before it takes over your mood, especially because it is a common symptom of anxiety.

Remain Self-Aware

In order to manage irritability effectively, you need to be able to recognize it. Many people say that they feel frustrated, cranky, or agitated when they are irritable. There are sometimes additional symptoms that accompany irritability:

  • Rapid breathing
  • Sweating
  • Fast heart rate
  • Anger
  • Confusion

The accompanying symptoms may depend on the cause of the issue. If irritability is caused by hormonal imbalances, some additional symptoms may include headaches, reduced sex drive, hot flashes, hair loss, and irregular periods.

If you realize that you are getting irritable, you are probably wondering how to reduce irritability. If it is due to an underlying condition, it is important to treat that first. However, if irritability occurs due to life events, there are many natural solutions to reduce the symptoms.

Holistic Approach to Mood Shifts

A holistic approach is often more effective than a medical one when it comes to the majority of mood shifts. Lifestyle changes may be all that is needed to reduce symptoms.

There are certain substances, such as alcohol and caffeine, that can result in irritability when they are consumed too much. If you notice you are more irritable after drinking your afternoon coffee, or after having a couple drinks after work, consider cutting back.

Irritability sometimes occurs when there is not an outlet for built-up energy. In this case, physical activity should help tremendously. Whether you enjoy going out for a jog, like to swim laps, or prefer to take a yoga class, expending energy will usually help.

For other people, doing the opposite of exercise may be the trick. If irritability occurs due to excess stress or a packed schedule, it may be best to take some quiet time to relax and reset. This may include taking a nap, drawing up a warm bath, meditating, listening to music, or reading a book. Sometimes just 20 or 30 minutes is all that is needed to improve one’s mood.

Sometimes medication helps, especially with depression and anxiety. However, all over the counter and prescription drugs come with potential side effects, some of which are serious. When looking for anxiety medication alternatives, search for homeopathic remedies. These work with the body to reduce symptoms such as irritability, anxiety, and impulsivity. They are also safe and come with no harmful side effects.

Irritability is common for most people, but it should not last long or occur frequently. If you are irritable a lot, learn how to recognize it, and try different things to reduce the symptoms.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]