After A Slip And Fall Accident

What To Do Right After A Slip And Fall Accident: A 6-Step Guide

Accidents can happen anywhere, and often it is an occurrence that no one gets prepared for. Getting injured in a slip or fall accident is also not something you plan for. Still, when the unexpected happens, a person may suffer fresh injuries in slip and fall accidents, including broken bones, especially the hip and arm region, head trauma, and back and spine injuries.

In a case where the accident happens in the confine of another property’s owner and because of the property’s owner, the injured person has every right to seek maximum compensation for the medical bills and other inconveniences the accident may have caused. Alas, the property’s owner and the insurance may try to dispute your claim and reduce your compensation to the bare minimum. Knowing the proper steps to take will help protect your right and enable you to get what you truly deserve.

Get Medical Care With Immediate Effect

Your health comes first in any situation. That’s why you must seek medical care right away after getting involved in a slip and fall accident. The chances of sustaining injuries in some sensitive parts of your body, like the head, are pretty high. That is why you need to check in with a doctor to get a proper diagnosis and treatment. A doctor’s report will document that they hurt you in the accident, and also, appropriate examinations will be done on you to ensure that there will be no problem with your future health.

If you want to make your claim more genuine, the doctor’s report will also serve as a piece of evidence to prove you were truly hurt.

Take Photos Of Your Injuries And if Possible The Site Of The Fall

Before the site gets cleaned up and all, ensure you take photos of your injuries. Take pictures that depict the cause of your accident, especially if there was no prior warning that was put in place. If you slip because of a wet or oily floor, uneven pavement, loose wires or cords, make sure you get clear pictures before they tidy the area up. Do not also forget to take photos of your bruises, injuries, bandages, and casts.

If you fall and slip on government property or the property’s exterior, your accident was recorded. Get this footage from the authority.

Meet With A Lawyer

After your slip and fall accident, it will be in your best interest to hire an experienced lawyer who can help protect your interest and provide help with your claim. Warnett Hallen advised that hiring a lawyer will ensure that they appropriately review your case to determine if your accident was because of the company’s negligence and conclude whether you are eligible for compensation.

Hiring an attorney means the bulk of the process will be on them. The attorney will protect your right against an unyielding company and communicate with the at-fault party to ensure you eventually get the compensation you deserve.

Report The Accident

When you get involved in a slip and fall accident, please do not keep it to yourself as delaying to report may cost you a lot. After the accident, report immediately to the property’s owner or business manager. An accident report will be filed, and there will be proper documentation of any injuries you have suffered because of the accident and which hazards may have caused your accident. Ensure to request a copy of the accident report and keep it. There may be a need for a piece of information in the future.

Refrain From Talking About The Accident

It is of great importance to be careful with the statement you give concerning a slip and fall accident because establishing a slip and fall accident requires an investigation. Do not blame the accident, nor should you assign blame until all the professionals that should be involved have reviewed the case.

Also, you may be contacted by the property owner’s insurance company after the accident to discuss your claim. Do not give any sensitive information that could be used against you; instead, all communications should be with your lawyer.

Follow Up With Your Doctor

After getting all the required treatments for your injuries, endeavor to follow up with your doctor and the medical advice you have been given. This is to show you have been proactive and trying well towards your recovery. Failure to follow up with your treatment plan can reduce your claim because the insurance company will say that your condition worsened because of your negligence.

If you have suffered a fall accident or know someone who has, taking these steps above will ensure your right is protected, and you get the compensation you deserve.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]