Legal Entity Identifier

Where to get LEI code

An LEI code is a unique identification number that identifies the legal entity of a company.

The Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) is a standard code to identify legal entities (like corporations and trusts). It is used for generating various data fields in trading systems, international agreements, and regulations, to combat tax evasion and money laundering.

This digital code is required for many business-to-business and business-to-consumer financial transactions. The code is a unique identifier that identifies the institution or entity (e.g. person or corporation) involved in an LEI transaction.

The code is used to identify the financial institution involved in an LEI transaction, thus allowing regulators, corporates, counterparties, investors, and other users of the financial system to link transactions to a specific institution or entity.

It allows for regulatory compliance and can be used to help prevent financial crimes like money laundering and terrorism financing.

The LEI code should be assigned to the legal entity, not to individuals or branches. The individual entity must have one LEI for every country in which it operates; this is determined by local regulatory requirements.

In this piece of content, we are going to discuss where you can get this LEI code.

Companies acting as LOUS

You can get Lei code from companies acting as Lous. There are some conditions that such companies must meet to be granted the priveledges. For instance, to become an authorized LOU in Hawaii, a company must first obtain a license from the Office of Consumer Protection (OCP), pay a nonrefundable $2,500 application fee, and meet other criteria outlined on the OCP’s website Once your company obtains its license, you will be assigned a unique identifier called an “LOU ID number” (also known as a “licensee identification number” or LICEN #).

The best way to learn about lei code registration is to get in touch with a registered office. This is the ideal way to ask any questions that you may have and clarify what you need to do. The registration offices are located in various places throughout Hawaii and can be found on the state’s website or by contacting your county’s Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism (DBEDT). In general, all applicants must first complete an application for registration as an agent, dealer, broker, appraiser, or collector of Hawaiian, Pacific, or territorial goods and collectibles.

The GLEIF is also responsible for making sure that the information is kept safe, secure, and confidential when it is stored online or in hard copy form on paper records and files (Homesafe). The GLEIF is managed by an executive board that consists of government-appointed members, representatives from all major sectors including mining companies, the trade unions, and civil society organizations, with representation from the community to ensure fairness and accountability in the system of licensing and management of LOUs (GLEIF 2010). They are assisted by technical and administrative staff who carry out the day-to-day functions of the organization.

Online with the help of registration agents

The various online agent is helping in the registration of Lei codes (legal entity identifier) and these registration agents also offer simple lei code registration. These agents can also help in finding reliable information on a specific LEI number. But take note that an agent may charge you either a nominal fee for registering an LEI or he may provide you with a free LEI registration

An experienced agent will use his knowledge and experience of the available database to help you find your LEI quickly and easily without paying a fee or waiting for long periods for you to receive results. They can use an automated search engine such as Google or Bing (search engines).

To wrap things up

That’s it! I hope this can help you. If you needed to get LEI code for your company, and once googled about it but found the information not so clear. so you have found some resources which can easily get LEI Code for your company. What we have listed here, is deemed very useful and can be of importance to you. maybe this will be useful for your friend too. if you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]