Why Hiring a Lawyer for EB1 Visa is a Smart Choice

Getting a green card is a dream of many people who want to pursue their lives in the United States. People may get confused about when they should hire an immigration lawyer.  In most cases, when the case is much simpler and does not require any complex verifications as you don’t have criminal records or negative remarks by any agency, you might not need a lawyer. However, there are certain scenarios when you need to find an eb-1 visa lawyer near me to ensure that everything runs smoothly. Some of them are elaborated below:

If you are not able to assess your options

There may be some instances when you are unable to figure out your options. For example, you are a skilled worker and received a job offer from your employee; you may not understand which visa is the best and fastest for you. In such a case, an immigration lawyer will help the employer, as well as the worker, decide which one suits them best in terms of qualifications and job requirements. In other cases, where a person has got engaged, he may have to get married to enter the United States. In this case, an immigration lawyer can help you in the best possible manner.

If you have to fill in a lot of forms

While filing for immigration, you should know that it requires a lot of paperwork. In an event of any mistake, it may cost a lot in terms of stress and worries. To deal with such a scenario, an immigration lawyer plays a vital role. The application involves filling up forms and submitting documents that can fasten the process. If it is not done properly, you might have to add more steps to it.  The application may get rejected, returns and even put on hold for several weeks.

There have been delays

In some cases, when there is a delay in the process of the application, you must get in touch with an immigration lawyer. They may not have the power to expedite it but they can guide you on what circumstances can cause this delay. He can even put inquiries on your behalf so that you can take the necessary steps. This way, you can get a clearer picture.

There are a number of attorneys in this field and you should compare the services and fees of all of them to choose the best one.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of https://hammburg.com/. For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]