Why now is a great time to learn a programming language

Why Now Is A Great Time To Learn A Programming Language

When people talk about learning a new language to expand their skillset, the general assumption will be that they’re taking up something like French, Spanish, German or maybe even Mandarin. There’s no denying that learning a foreign tongue will bolster your CV and, in many industries, make you an altogether more employable prospect.

However, language isn’t all about the spoken word, and being able to write and understand coding is proving an increasingly valuable asset for any prospective candidate.

But why are we seeing such a growing demand for those who can code? What are the common languages that most coders will seek to master? And what are the advantages of being able to pick up such a skill? Read on to find out more.

The growing demand for coders

There are a number of factors that have contributed to the surge in demand for developer training. On a fundamental level, a growing number of businesses are becoming tech-focused, which means programming and other similar skills will become increasingly prevalent. A recent report from the World Economic Forum found that 80% of organisations plan to accelerate the automation of their processes, which in turn will see a greater demand for coding capabilities.

On top of all that, the Covid-19 pandemic means businesses are adapting their strategies and choosing an online-first approach. Meanwhile, the financial uncertainty and general fears around job security mean many have taken up new skills – including coding – in order to add another string to their bow.

What are some of the most in-demand languages?

There are plenty of programming languages out there, all offering various features and benefits. Here are just three of the most common examples:

  • JavaScript: Probably the most widely known programming language, used by the vast majority of sites on the web. You can learn JavaScript with the likes of a Raspberry Pi and other devices, and picking up this particular language means you’ll be able to expand into developing sites with relative ease.
  • Python: Another language that is relatively easy to learn and then to use. Python is a simple, elegant solution that supports several platforms and systems so it’s little wonder that a lot of organisations choose it for their online projects.
  • C++: One of the older programming languages, its popularity is soaring thanks to the development of cloud technology. It can be easily scaled, is faster than a lot of other languages and offers plenty of community support.

What are the benefits of learning a programming language?

Here’s a rundown of why learning to code could be the right move for you:

  • Coders are in demand, so it could enhance your employment prospects.
  • It could also offer the opportunity for greater financial security.
  • A career change can open up a whole new world of possibilities and reinvigorate you through a new set of challenges.
  • It gives you a chance to enter into a new community and form new social relationships.
  • It will encourage you to change the way you think and alter your perspective on problem solving.
  • Developing a new skill can improve your self-confidence.

So, could learning a programming language be the next step for you? With the opportunity to access such a wide range of psychological, professional, social and financial advantages, there’s no time like the present.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of https://hammburg.com/. For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]