Google Shopping

5 Benefits of Google Shopping Ads

Google Shopping ads are ads that appear above organic search in Google on a tile with the image of a product, pricing and shop, and which are also known as Product Listing Ads (PLA). PLAs was launched in 2010 and have since become an important part of the strategies of many leading brands.

Shopping ads are perfect for optimizing eCommerce, as they stand out in search results. We are a useful part of your visibility and reputation marketing strategy.

1. Increased Reach Of Ads

Google Shopping advertisements top the search results and satisfy consumers with their highly targeted and transparent product offerings that have most of their research done. Simple PLA advertising, a clear message and visual appeal are differentiated.

2.  Quality Leads

People looking for products in Google are already investigating and making decisions. They are very similar. You can more often follow the link if you see a similar brand ad to learn more about the item and make a purchase.

3.  High Conversion Rates

Google Shopping has shown that conversion rates are much higher than text ads. Conversion rates are 26% higher on average and the price per tap is also reduced by about 23%. This will help improve the traffic on your CPC to your eStore and eventually increase your ROI.

4.  Easily Manageable

PLAs are much easier to manage the workflow on the context. No keywords are available, and Google uses your brand data feed to suit your products. For optimization of your brand name, class and specifications, you can manipulated product data feed. Several items can be created using Google Shopping Ads for your product range with a single search query.

To Conclude

PLAs play an important role in optimizing eCommerce and in the marketing strategy of serious brands and marketers. Google shopping optimization provides another point of contact along your shopping the buyers journey , raising awareness and promoting professional decision-making and choosing your purchase.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]