Interior Design

Asian-Inspired Interior Design: Bringing Zen Interior To Your Home

In the fast-paced world of today, it is very difficult to find tranquility and calmness in our lives. The daily stressors and distractions of life affect your mental health and you long for a place where you will feel relaxed, calm, and tranquil. Your home should be a place which is ready to offer you all those things after you come back from the outside erratic world. This is the reason why Zen principles are being applied to interior design and it is becoming an increasingly popular trend.

Zen is a Japanese word and concept which means meditation. In terms of interior design, it represents a calm, soothing, and relaxing environment where things are kept simple and the area clutter-free. If you are a homeowner looking for inspirations for home renovation, then this can be a design theme that you choose for your home.

Here, we will also give a few tips and tricks on how you can apply Zen principles to your home and bring that Asian-inspired feel into the design.

Opt For Earthly Colors

One of the best ways that you can bring serenity and tranquility in your home is to opt for soft hues and earthly colors. Bright, flashy colors may help to give an energetic feel to a space, but it can become too distracting and a little too much for the eyes. To have a relaxed environment, you need soft earthly colors like white, gray, beige, aqua, and green. The trick here is not to choose so many colors for a room but to stick to 1 or 2 basic earthly colors and play around their different tones for various elements of the design. This will create depth and character to a relaxing environment.

Create Clutter Free Spaces

This is an understood concept that clutter and mess act as stressors and have a negative effect on your mood and psychological health. Even if your home is very humble and simple, if it is clutter-free, it will make it feel like a cozy abode. On the contrary, if a luxuriously designed and furnished house is messy all the time, it will not create a homey appeal. So keeping the area clean and clutter free is very important so there are no visual disturbances and distractions.

Choose Natural and Comfortable Fabrics

Another way you can bring Zen into your home is to choose natural and comfortable fabrics. Whether these are for the furniture upholstery or beddings, it should give a very natural feel. You should also keep things simple for example, soft comfortable essential pillows on the bed instead of a lot of cushions and pillows. Similarly, for the sofa, keep the design simple. The curtains should be chosen accordingly keeping them simple yet natural. These natural fabrics will enhance the serenity of the space.

Keep The Light Natural And Soft

In a minimalist and Scandinavian design, things are kept simple and are clutter-free but what differentiates them from this Zen-inspired interior is that both of these designs feature lots of light. On the contrary, for a Zen interior, you should keep the light low and soft. Soft light helps to relax our nerves which in turn helps her feel calm and soothed. Natural light coming through sheer curtains or through smaller windows, so that they do not overpower the visual space, are a nice way to create a comfortable and relaxing environment.

Add Green Plants

Bringing a touch of nature into any design helps to add some depth and character to the design. When green plants are added into this particular design theme, they work with other natural elements of the design to create a feeling that you are closer to nature. You feel the same calm that you would feel in the company of nature.

Calm Your Nerves With Natural Scents

Natural scents in the form of air fresheners, scented candles, or essential oils will transform you to a place where you will forget about all your problems and stresses. You can create a corner of a room where there are natural elements like green plants and natural furniture. When it is combined with beautiful natural scents and aromas, it will enhance the room’s tranquil ambience.

Have A Trickling Water Feature Or Ornament

You can install a trickling water feature in your home or even purchase one of the different types of ornaments in the market that produce the same trickling water effect. The soothing sound of trickling and flowing water is a no-fail recipe of relaxation and calmness.

If you live in Singapore and want to save on the hassle of dealing with Zen interior style, you can hire the services of a professional interior design firm for this job. They are experts in the field of interior design and renovation and will make sure that you get the house of your dreams.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]