How Dab Tool Works

A dab tool, also known as a dabber, is a small handheld wand that helps you handle cannabis extracts. They can look like tiny shovels or resemble a dentist’s tool and are usually made of glass or metal.

Different extracts come in varying consistencies, from shatter to crumble, some of which can be difficult to work with. However, you can enjoy even the most pesky concentrates with the right tools and total respect.

The Scoop

A dab tool is a long, heat-resistant utensil typically made from glass or stainless steel. They come in various shapes, sizes, and tip designs, but every dab tool has the same primary purpose – to scoop up waxes or extracts from a jar or container and then deposit them onto a nail or banger.

Choosing the right dab tool depends on what type of concentrates you smoke. For example, waxes and oils are runny, so a paddle or scoop end works well for those products. Rosin, on the other hand, can be a bit more dense, like taffy. A syringe or pick end works best for these types of concentrates.

You can also choose a dab tool with a flat or blade edge if you plan on using it with shatter or crumble since these concentrates tend to be more solid and require a different approach. Ultimately, a scoop-style dab tool is the most versatile option, and it’s what most experienced dabbers use.

The Pick

Dabbing is one of the most popular methods for cannabis consumers to partake in extracts, and a dab tool is essential to the process. These tools are made of various materials, sizes, and shapes, but they all serve the same function—to facilitate handling sticky extracts and concentrates.

They’re usually long rods with a flat end or a small spoon shape that allows users to scoop various concentrates from their containers and onto a dab nail once heated to the ideal temperature. They can also come with interchangeable tip designs to accommodate different extracts.

When selecting a dab tool, the most important thing to remember is that it must all be heat-resistant and meet high-quality standards where it won’t degrade or melt when applied to hot dabbing surfaces. It would help if you also considered the dabbing you enjoy and how it will affect your choice of tool.

The Nail

The nail is the part of your dab rig that holds and heats the concentrate you’ll be smoking. Nails can be traditional, torch-heated, or electronic, using an electrical current to heat a coil around the nail.

A stainless steel nail typically has a carb cap to help you regulate airflow. These are useful for sticky concentrates like waxes, budders, and crumbles. They can also have a blade on the end to cut up solid concentrates or break off just the right amount of dab.

Scoop up a small amount of your preferred concentrate using a dab tool and place it on the heated nail. The nail should be hot enough to melt the cannabinoids but not too hot to burn your dab. Gently touch the concentrate to the nail and inhale. A carb cap will also help you regulate the vapor flow and preserve the nail’s temperature. The best tools are made from materials that withstand heat, such as titanium and glass. They’re also easy to clean and durable.

The Silicone Jar

Keeping your dab tools in a clean jar is essential to avoid any residue buildup, which can reduce their effectiveness or contaminate future dabs. Storing them in a silicone container is also a good idea, protecting them from damage and making it easier to work with sticky dabs.

Silicone dab containers store various concentrates like shatter, wax, and crumble. They are also very durable and can handle red-hot dabs without a problem. They come in many different sizes and shapes to store your favorite dabs.

If you are looking for a new dab tool, look for one with a pick end and a blade. The pick end can scoop solid concentrates like shatter, and the blade can be used for softer dab oils. Finding a dab tool with a temperature control feature is essential to maintain optimal material handling temperatures.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]