How old is Erealist

In the vast landscape of philosophical movements, Erealism stands as a beacon of intellectual inquiry, offering a unique perspective on reality and existence. Its roots delve deep into the annals of human thought, intertwining with various philosophical traditions yet carving out its distinct identity. The question of Erealism’s age is not merely a matter of chronological reckoning but a nuanced exploration of its historical development, conceptual evolution, and enduring relevance.

To comprehend the age of Erealism, one must embark on a journey through the corridors of time, tracing its origins and tracing the trajectory of its influence. While pinpointing an exact moment of inception proves elusive, the seeds of Erealism can be discerned in the philosophical musings of ancient civilizations. From the metaphysical speculations of ancient Greek philosophers to the ontological inquiries of medieval thinkers, traces of Erealist thought can be detected, albeit in embryonic forms.

The term “Erealism” itself finds its etymological roots in the fusion of “existential” and “realism,” embodying the philosophical fusion of existentialist concerns with a realist framework. However, it wasn’t until the modern era, particularly with the existentialist movement of the 19th and 20th centuries, that Erealism began to crystallize into a coherent philosophical stance. Figures like Søren Kierkegaard, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Jean-Paul Sartre laid the groundwork for Erealist thought, challenging conventional notions of reality, existence, and truth.

A Journey Through Time

Kierkegaard’s emphasis on subjective experience and individual authenticity resonated deeply with the existential underpinnings of Erealism. His concept of “existence preceding essence” paved the way for a philosophy that prioritized human existence over abstract categories or predetermined meanings. Similarly, Nietzsche’s radical critique of traditional morality and his exploration of the “will to power” provided Erealism with a robust framework for understanding the nature of reality as dynamic and contingent upon human agency.

However, it was arguably Jean-Paul Sartre who brought Erealism to the forefront of philosophical discourse with his magnum opus, “Being and Nothingness.” In this seminal work, Sartre expounded upon the concept of “existence precedes essence,” positing that human beings are condemned to be free, thrust into a world devoid of inherent meaning or purpose. For Sartre, Erealism manifested in the acknowledgment of this existential absurdity while affirming the necessity of individual autonomy and responsibility.

As the existentialist movement gained momentum in the 20th century, Erealism underwent further refinement and elaboration through the contributions of subsequent thinkers. Existential phenomenologists like Martin Heidegger and Maurice Merleau-Ponty offered profound insights into the nature of perception, embodiment, and intersubjectivity, enriching the Erealist framework with their phenomenological analyses.

Unveiling the Age

In the latter half of the 20th century and into the 21st century, Erealism continued to evolve in response to shifting cultural, social, and technological landscapes. Postmodern critiques of grand narratives and metanarratives prompted Erealists to reconsider the nature of truth and reality in an increasingly fragmented and pluralistic world. Philosophers like Jean-François Lyotard and Richard Rorty challenged the notion of objective truth, advocating for a more pragmatic and perspectival understanding of reality.

Today, the age of Erealism persists as a testament to its enduring relevance and adaptability in the face of ongoing philosophical and existential inquiries. In an era marked by rapid technological advancement, globalization, and existential uncertainty, Erealism offers a compelling lens through which to navigate the complexities of contemporary existence.

At its core, Erealism invites individuals to confront the existential realities of human existence: the inevitability of death, the absence of intrinsic meaning, and the imperative to forge meaning and purpose in a seemingly indifferent universe. It urges us to embrace our freedom and agency, to engage authentically with the world and with ourselves, even in the face of existential angst and uncertainty.


The age of Erealism transcends mere temporal boundaries, encompassing a rich tapestry of historical influences, philosophical insights, and existential concerns. From its nascent beginnings in ancient philosophical inquiries to its contemporary manifestations in the digital age, Erealism continues to provoke thought, inspire inquiry, and illuminate the profound mysteries of human existence. In an ever-changing world fraught with existential challenges, the enduring legacy of Erealism endures as a beacon of intellectual curiosity and existential courage.

About Ambika Taylor

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