Medical Emergency

Managing Emergencies: 3 Cs of Medical Emergency Everyone Must Follow

Undeniably, finding yourself encountering an emergency and not knowing what to do is immensely stressful. Most people in such situations become victims of panic themselves, unable to help the person who needs emergency assistance. However, you can prepare yourself mentally for such unfortunate events before they even occur by learning how to react in case of an emergency. Not only will it help in taking control of the situation, but it can also be lifesaving.

Before learning about the three Cs of emergency, we must first discuss which common situations qualify as an emergency.

Let’s have a look:

  1. Bleeding 

Various types of injuries can cause wounds and cuts, resulting in mild to severe bleeding. Likewise, some injuries can lead to internal bleeding, which is not visible at first. In most cases, you can treat the wound and stop the bleeding yourself by giving first aid help at home. However, if the bleeding is getting out of control even after first aid, you must immediately seek professional help. Apart from that, you will need professional help when a foreign object is stuck on the wound. Or if the bones and tissues are visible through the bone.

It can cause a tremendous amount of blood loss in such instances, leading to irreversible issues. If you witness any of these signs, professional assistance should be your go-to option.

  1. Stroke 

Stroke is an alarmingly dangerous condition that can threaten a person’s life. It happens when the blood supply to our brain cuts off due to bleeding in the brain or a blood clot. And in such dire situations, only an expert with accredited CE solutions EMS training can deal with the patient adequately. Such exemplary training programs instill the essential skills necessary for responding to and tackling emergencies.

The majority of stroke symptoms affect a person’s facial features, body movement, and speech. For example, a side of their face can slump, making their speech slurred and incomprehensible. They may also feel numbness or weakness in their arm or leg, causing physical inability.

  1. Heart attack 

A heart attack is yet another life-threatening condition, typically occurring when the blood supply to the heart is affected. It is, unfortunately, most common in adults. Its symptoms include chest pain, radiating and throbbing pain traveling towards the arm, neck, jaw, etc.

It also causes difficulty in breathing, wheezing, and coughing. People experiencing cardiac arrest also sweat and experience anxiety. So, rushing them to the emergency is viable.

  1. Seizures 

People with epilepsy often have fits and seizures that involve involuntary movements such as jerking, twitching, or uncontrollable shaking of the body. In other cases, fits and seizures can also cause a person to space out or become unresponsive.

If someone is having a seizure, you mustn’t make them stop unless their jerking and shaking movements pose risks. Once they regain normalcy, it is vital to seek medical supervision from professionals and acquire medicines for this condition.

  1. Severe pain 

The pain threshold varies from person to person, and we all experience bodily aches and pains sometimes. However, suppose severe pain occurs out of nowhere or persists for a long time. In that case, it can be a symptom of injury or other medical condition. Eventually, it can hinder daily activities and cause severe discomfort. If someone experiences intense pain, it is best to take them to an emergency unit so that healthcare professionals can assess their condition and find the root cause.

These are some of the medical emergencies you may encounter in a typical setting. Nonetheless, various other situations qualify as emergencies as well. So, to know how to tackle them, follow the 3Cs below:

3Cs of emergency

If you find yourself in the middle of any such emergencies, it is crucial to remember the 3Cs of emergency.

  1. Check 

Before assisting in an emergency, you must first check your surroundings for anything unsafe to you or the victim. In many cases, emergencies happen in dangerous situations. Therefore, rushing to the scene before ensuring it is safe increases the chances of your injuries as well.

For example, if the cause of injury is water spillage or fire, and you rush in to assist the person, you might hurt yourself in the process. So, check the scene properly and take appropriate actions to avoid hurting yourself while saving the person.

  1. Call

In case the emergency is beyond the scope of your help, then you must call for help immediately. Call for an emergency unit and provide your current address to have the first-responders arrive promptly. After doing so, you can take other steps. These steps can be checking the scene for more danger, gathering information about the person, checking their current condition, etc. Giving this information to the concerned authorities can be helpful.

  1. Care 

After you have checked the scene and called for professional assistance, you must direct your attention towards the injured and assist them till the emergency unit arrives. For example, if the injured person is bleeding, try to stop their bleeding by putting pressure on the wound. This step is crucial as it can save a person’s life if you prevent significant blood loss.

Apart from that, if the injured is not breathing or having difficulty breathing, perform CPR. These first-aid steps are crucial in saving a life and help the affected hold on till professional help arrives.


Recognizing emergencies and understanding what steps you need to take without panicking can save a life. Providing first-aid treatment till the professionals arrive at the scene is crucial in improving chances of recovery. However, you must also ensure your safety at all costs. So, if you feel that the situation is too dangerous for you to take any step, call for professional help and wait for their arrival. Meanwhile, gather all the information which can assist the rescue.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]