Residential Ramps _ Everything you need to know about them!

Residential Ramps | Everything you need to know about them!

There are several things that you need to know about residential ramps. If what you are looking for is to make your home wheelchair accessible, there are several things that you need to consider. One of the major things is residential ramps. With the help of residential ramps, you make your entire home accessible to wheelchair users. When it comes to installing ramps at home. Here, we are going to list some of the important things that you need to know about the residential ramps. 

So, let’s get straight into it. 

Things you must know about the residential ramps 

Before selecting the residential ramps, there are certain things that you need to know about residential ramps. 

  1. Map out the ramp layout 

The first thing you need to do before selecting the residential lamp is to figure out the ramp layout. Which type of ramp will suit you the most will depend on the entrance point that you choose. Depending on what kind of home entrance you have, you can select the type of ramp that fits it the most. 

  1. Measure the ramp length & width

Once you have decided what entrance you want to install your residential ramp at, it is time that you start measuring the length and width of the ramp you need. This is important to select the ramp that fits the most. Here is how you can measure the place you want to install a ramp at – 

Determining the length of the ramp – 

  • Measure the necessary incline. For this, you can refer to the mobility equipment’s user guide. 
  • The next thing that you need to measure is – the step or landing to the ground.
  • You can use the EZ Access incline calculator to measure the exact length of the ramp that will fit the area. 

Measuring the width of the ramp –

When it comes to measuring the width of the area you want to install your ramp, the first thing to do is measure the size of the mobility device like the wheelchair or power chair and the width of the area you want to fit your ramp at. The standard width of the ramp is 36” and 48”. 

This is where a professional company can help you. So, if you are confused, you can contact professional companies to help you. 

  1. Know the material you prefer

The next thing that you need to know before selecting the residential ramp is to find out which material will suit your home the most. You can choose between metal or wooden ramps depending on the area you are installing them on. 


These are the things that you must consider before selecting the right residential ramp. There are several companies like EZ Access that can help you in finding the right residential ramp and can also help install it. If you have any questions regarding wheelchair ramps or any kind of mobility equipment, you can contact them and they will help you with everything.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]