Top Tips for a Stress-Free Moving Day

Moving house is notorious for being one of the most stressful journeys which you may embark on. From packing up the entire contents of your home to transporting it to your new abode safely… it’s easy to see why this can be a tasking process from start to finish.

June 2021 has proven to be one of the busiest months on record for the number of homes sold in the UK. With the recent stamp duty holiday coming to an end in October, it’s easy to see why more and more homeowners are choosing to take the plunge in moving this year. However, it’s important that you always consider your finances before applying to borrow.

If you are in the process of getting ready to move home soon, here are a few tips we’ve put together to ensure your moving day runs as smoothly and efficiently as possible.


Having a clear out before moving day means you’re not taking any extra belongings with you which you don’t require. Sometimes it can be difficult to realise just how much clutter within our homes can affect us: when our surroundings feel over-crowded, it can make us feel more anxious and stressed. By simply clearing out any unused items and possessions, you’re already creating more space to work with in your new home. You always want to ensure that you de-clutter when possible. Whether you’re moving home or you are in your existing home, de-clutter when you can!

Label your boxes

One of the oldest tricks in the book, yet rightfully so! Labelling your moving boxes may seem tedious and time consuming, but this makes un-packing in your new home a breeze as you know exactly where everything is located. You may find it helpful to categorise everything by room, or by product to save time searching for specific items when it comes to unpacking. So make sure you either buy some permanent markers or grab some labels because something as simple as this will save some serious time!

Get quotes from removal companies

Organisation is key when it comes to a seamless moving day. It’s always best to get quotes in advance from different removal companies so that you can find the best price for when you need to move. If you’re working to a tighter budget, it can often be cheaper to rent a van for the day and simply do the moving yourself! This is a great way to save money during your moving process.

Ensure all your bills are paid

It’s essential to take care of any outstanding utility bills for your current home before you move. If you forget to tie up any loose ends, this could have a negative impact on your credit score when it comes to applying for mortgages or loans in the future. Paying off bills in full before your move means that you can begin your new life in your new home with peace of mind. You usually receive a notice whether it’s email or letter from your energy supplier based around the final payment, so make sure you pay this asap to reduce the chance of anything negative occurring.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]