knee pain - MCL SPRAIN

Unlocking the secret of knee pain – MCL SPRAIN

A media collateral knee ligament sprain or MCP sprain is a tear of the ligament on the inside of the knee. It is usually fueled by the sudden twisting of the knee or direct trauma. However, the condition may also sprout over time. Some of the common causes of MCL sprain are –

  • Sudden Onset or Acute Injuries – Medial collateral ligament injuries are common in contact sports like football, rugby, martial arts, and likewise. Moreover, spontaneous falling or twisting action of the knee joint can also result in an MCL sprain.
  • Direct Trauma-Injury to the MCL often occurs from a direct exterior impact, especially when the knee is slightly bent. Thus, the result is an MCL sprain.
  • Twisting – Involuntary twisting of the knee can also result in a medial ligament sprain, further aggravating an ACL tear. Attempting to turn quickly when your foot is firmly placed on the ground can result in a twisted knee and hence an MCL sprain.
  • Gradual Onset MCL Sprains – Repetitive lateral forces on your knee (valgus forces) can gradually lead to an MCL sprain.

Now that we have talked about the causes of an MCL sprain, let us examine its symptoms and the healing process.


  • Pain or tenderness on the inside of your knee
  • Swelling of the knee
  • Discomfort and weakness
  • Severe MCL sprains result in extreme pain and rapid swelling
  • A positive result in the valgus stress test


The recovery time of an MCL sprain depends on the severity of the condition. Typically, there are three grades of MCL sprains 1, 2, and 3. Grade 1 is the mildest, and Grade 3 is the severest form of an MCL sprain.

  • In most cases, Grade I (overstretched or Sprain tears) will heal in a week or so.
  • There are two grades of MCL sprains: partial or incomplete tears are Grade II and Grade III (full tears).
  • Grade III (full tears) – They can take anywhere from four to eight weeks to heal.

Some of the most common treatments available to deal with an MCL sprain are –

  1. Cold Therapy and Compression – The immediate first aid is to follow the RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation) principles. You should apply a cold therapy wrap to the affected knee for 10 to 15 minutes and repeat after every hour.
  2. Rest – It is imperative to take rest in between strenuous sports activities. It is crucial for your body and joints to recuperate and heal.
  3. Opt for Knee Braces – Wearing a compression bandage or a knee brace can do wonders in treating an MCL sprain. A knee brace helps reduce swelling and protects your joint, especially in the early stages, check out the ones from Ortho Bracing.
  4. Electrotherapy – In case of a severe MCL sprain, you should visit a professional therapist who will use electrotherapy treatments like ultrasound to control the pain and swelling. Ultrasound works by sending high-frequency sound waves into the tissues. Thus, the culmination is a micro-massage effect that reduces swelling.

In conclusion, there are several feasible treatment options for an MCL sprain, and the healing period depends on the Grade of the sprain.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]