What Are The Security Risk While Watching Movies On Pirated Sites

What Are The Security Risk While Watching Movies On Pirated Sites

We all have heard about many pirated websites like 123 mkv, Moviesflix Pro, Uwatchfree, etc. for watching the latest movies. Streaming on such sites is increasing rapidly. The fact is we all know that these sites are illegal to use and are restricted by cybersecurity as it is risky for individuals and companies also but still many people use them when it comes to watching their favorite content for free. But have you ever thought about the security risks while using these pirated sites?

The answer is simply no because many of the users are not aware of the security risk and the loss which they can face for using these pirated websites. So let’s talk about it.


Let me tell you that the platforms where you can watch the shows and movies online without downloading are not illegal in themselves like Netflix, Dizzare, etc use it. While some other platforms upload the content without permission.

According to a report by MUSO in March 2018, France was recorded with 10.5 billion people streaming on illegal websites in 2017. Therefore, Mainland France became the European champion in this fraudulent practice ahead of Germany and the United Kingdom.

Malware Risk while using pirated websites

When the web user clicks on misleading adverts, he is opening himself up to his terminal infected by the computer viruses like ransomware, trojan, crypto-mining, etc. These pirated sites are well-planned platforms for malicious acts. Malware is software which disrupts, damages, or gives unauthorized access to computer systems. In a report by the association of internet security professionals, it is mentioned that 97% of these pirated sites are infected. And the Federation Against Copyright Theft (FACT) clearly says that “You are 28 times more likely to be infected by malicious software while using illegal pirated sites.”

The risk is even greater when it comes to companies. Most of the company employees when they get a break or when they use their company PC at their home to watch episodes of their favorite content using pirated sites like torlock movies, Moviesflix Pro, etc. they welcome the viruses which can easily disrupt their company’s servers or networks. And we all are aware of what loss could be faced by the company then.

Cyber Criminals attack mechanism

Cybercriminals’ techniques are abundant through illegal sites. Most of us will get confused by the apps also. They design the apps the same as the original site like in the same typography, same design, even identical URL connection, etc.) When you log into such apps they can steal your personal data.

Similarly, when you download streaming sites or peer-to-peer connection applications, you expose your computer to viruses like malware or crypto mining – aimed to use the power of a regular computer without your knowledge to generate cryptocurrency.

Another cunning technique which is used by pirated sites like 123 mkv, worldfree4u, Moviesflix Pro, etc is that they give a pop up fake message of download antiviruses apps, they made you believe that your PC has a technical problem so you need to be aware that the files you are about to install may contain malware viruses.


To limit these risks, you can install a UTM ( United Threat Management) which provides the first level of network protection. Further pirated sites like Movierulz 1234, Moviesda, Moviesflix Pro, etc, can give you enjoyment but you need to remember you have to face a huge loss or have to repay for it. So be aware of malware software and Cybercriminals techniques. Illegal streaming not only includes breaking the law but also is a dangerous security risk.


About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of https://hammburg.com/. For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]