Labour law book and gavel. Consumer protection book and gavel. Law and regulations concept.

When Is It Time to Hire a Lawyer for Employment Issues?

We live in a society that encourages hard work and perseverance—even in the face of adversity. While that sounds nice on paper, it also means that many workers endure difficulties that they otherwise shouldn’t have to.

If you find yourself in a situation that feels particularly bad, know that as a worker, you have rights. When your employer infringes on those rights, you may be able to take matters to court.

When you do, you’re going to want to make sure that you hire a lawyer for employment issues. They’ll help you navigate the sometimes murky legal waters.

But when exactly can and should you hear a Portland Employment Lawyer?

Keep reading to learn all about when you’re going to want to hire an employee’s rights lawyer.

Personal Injury

Personal injuries while on the job are something that far too many employees experience. According to studies from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2.8 million workers suffered nonfatal injuries in 2019.

When you experience a personal injury, your employer should provide you with both financial assistance and time off. They should also know how to handle the insurance claim to ensure that any medical bills get taken care of.

If they fail to do that, make sure to take the matter to court. An employee rights lawyer will be able to fight to ensure that you get what you deserve.


If your employer ever discriminates against you on account of your race, gender, or sexuality, know that you don’t have to put up with it. That’s another great instance when you may want to search “employee rights attorney near me.”

Unfortunately, proving that your employer discriminated against you isn’t always easy. You need to be able to show that you do your job well and that certain events transpired because you belong to a protected class.

When looking for the right lawyer, make sure to visit their company website to ensure that they specialize in workplace discrimination cases.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is, of course, something else that no employee should have to put up with. If you find yourself having to endure it, find someone who can fight to defend your rights in court.

Sexual harassment occurs when a manager or coworker makes undesired sexual remarks or advances towards you. In some cases, you might feel nervous that you’ll lose your job if you don’t show your feelings back.

Like discrimination, sexual harassment can be tricky to prove. Make sure that you have evidence that you tried resolving matters with HR to no avail.


Defamation happens when an employer disparages you in a public setting. This then affects your ability to earn a wage, find future employment, or causes your pay to be lower than it otherwise would have been.

As with many other employment issues, defamation cases can be difficult to win. The right lawyer can help you, but make sure that your case is solid either way.

Keep in mind that you can’t sue your employer for simply criticizing you. You need to be able to prove that the comments they made had an actual, tangible effect on your wellbeing.


If you’ve ever tried to pursue legal action against your employer before, odds are they didn’t like it. While they’re entitled to their personal feelings, retaliating against you is illegal.

If they tried to demote you, forced you to change your schedule, or made your professional life more difficult in any other way since making your complaint known, you might have grounds for a retaliation case.

To win the case, you’ll want to make sure that you have a timeline of the different events that transpired. Be able to prove when your first filed a claim and when your work-life first became more difficult.

Deduction of Pay

According to standards laid out by laws and federal organizations, employees have the right to fair pay. That means making at least the federal minimum wage of $7.25 and getting overtime pay when necessary.

Employers need to keep a clear record of all the times when their employees work. They also need to make sure that their office or workplace has a sign that explains the regulations set by The Wages and the Fair Labor Standards Act.

If your pay is in any way incorrect and you can prove it in court, make sure to hire an employment lawyer to get the compensation that you deserve.

Wrongful Termination

In extreme cases, your employer may decide to fire you without warning. In most states, this is a form of wrongful termination.

Here are some common signs of wrongful termination:

  • Your employer fires you without reason
  • They claim poor performance but provide no evidence
  • They violated a written contract
  • They fired you in response to a complaint
  • Your superiors didn’t follow company policy

To win a wrongful termination case, make sure that you have your contract and any other necessary supporting documents.

Understand When to Hire a Lawyer for Employment Issues

While many people might try to grin and bear it, no one should have to put up with a hostile work environment—regardless of what the actual problem is.

If you’re tired of suffering through draining or even dangerous events at work, know that you have options that can alleviate your situation. Know that you can always look into hiring a lawyer for employment issues.

Do you now have a better idea of when it’s the right time to turn to an employee rights attorney? If you do, check out some of the other posts on our site for more legal guides and tips.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]