Employee Engagement

Why is Employee Engagement Important and How to Deal with it in a Post-Covid World?

Employee engagement has long been a driver for companies to understand how their employees feel. Knowing how employees feel is important. It can indicate their motivation and their alignment with the company’s values and beliefs. Studies show that people who are aligned are more motivated and in turn more productive. If there is one thing that companies have been focusing on over the past decades it has to be productivity. Increased productivity leads to more revenues and profit: something most firms (if not all) strive for. But why is employee engagement important as a calculation method?

A good measure for the overall feeling of employees

While one-on-one interviews provide the best insights into how employees feel, this is difficult to conduct en masse. Therefore, companies turn to other measures that allow for at least an indication. Employee engagement is one of such measures and can be calculated based on several methods. The methods are backed by scientific research and create groups of people. These groups can be targeted to improve the engagement in follow-up stages.

How to start an investigation into engagement

Now we know why employee engagement is important, it is time to dive into the options for measurement. The most common option is the use of a survey. There are special surveys available that you can leverage which ask questions on different dimensions related to engagement. These insights are then captured and fed into a dashboard and other analytical tools. Surveys will remain anonymous, but it does allow management to understand how certain departments feel about the organisation and act accordingly.

Even more important in today’s work environment

Due to strict lockdowns, working-from-home has become common across continents. This means a different way of interacting with colleagues and the company. In general, we observe that employees become less engaged and become less energized. Companies need to try hard to make sure employees stay engaged. Digital events, energizers, and reminders that they are valuable to the firm are needed. Furthermore, understanding their needs is of utmost importance. Do they have the right equipment? How are they dealing with the pandemic as a person and/or family? Understanding your employees makes you a better boss and leads to a more productive workforce.

A leader in employee engagement solutions

Want to learn more about one of the leaders in the field of engagement among employees? Effectory has been active in the space for a long period and emerged as one of the leaders. They can offer a broad range of services from simple surveys to advanced analytics. Depending on your organization’s size, there is a solution for every firm. They even have a special covid survey that can be leveraged to understand the work-from-home situation. Visit their website to learn more: https://www.effectory.com/.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of https://hammburg.com/. For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]