
4 Most Common Reasons Why Your Toilet is Blocked

Toilets are one of the most commonly used areas in the house. When it doesn’t work as predicted, it can be such a headache and frustration for the household. The cleanup is another thing to worry about. Understanding why toilets clog or back ups helps you avoid such problems and prevent future instances in your home.  Here are the most common reasons why toilet clogs and how you can prevent it.

Older Toilets with Low Water Flow

Old homes in Sydney with old toilets have low flow design and are more inclined into saving water than disposing waste. They do not have the pressure that modern day toilets have that makes clearing the internal  trap and drain easier to clean. When these areas accumulate waste and other foreign materials, the likeness of developing clogs increases.

Blocked Traps

A blocked toilet Sydney households experience is commonly caused by blocked traps. When you flush, the waste goes down the toilet trap. It is the curved portion in the toilet that prevents sewer gases from entering your homes, through the pipes in your bathroom. The trap area is usually with water, a requirement that makes it possible to prevent sewer gas from entering through the toilet. however, this area is too narrow. When tissues and other foreign objects are flushed down the toilet, the tendency of retaining these debris in the trap area is more likely. When they do, the toilet clogs.

Non-flushable Items Thrown Down the Toilet

Flushable toilet paper is designed to dissolve quickly when exposed to water.  However, most Australian households do not pay attention to the type of tissues they use at home. More often, they are also not conscious of what they throw down the drain, especially the younger ones. Cotton balls, dental floss, wet wipes, hair, tampons, and paper towels are just a few of the items that are not designed to dissolve when flushed down the toilet area. When these items accumulate, usually in the trap area or the narrow pipes in your toilet plumbing, clogging occurs. Avoid throwing these items down the toilet to avoid clogs not only in your toilet but as well as in multiple points in your home plumbing.

Blocks in Plumbing Vents

Blocks, mostly dirt, leaves and other foreign debris in the plumbing vents can also cause toilets to get clogged. This is one of the block causes that is identified outside the toilet area and the bathroom. Most modern plumbing systems today feature roof vents that allow fresh air to circulate, preventing problems in air pressure inside your waste disposal system. The plumbing vents that are usually located outdoors can be filled with leaves or be at risk for animal nets and breeding. When this happens, it can limit the drain flow and may cause toilet areas to get clogged. Cleaning this area is quite difficult compared to getting a clogged tissue out of your toilet. You might have to hire a professional who is equipped with experience and the right tools in solving the issue.

Most of the time, clogs in your toilet areas begin when foreign objects enter your home plumbing. Whether these causes are accidental or due to lack of discipline and proper waste disposal, it pays to have these areas regularly clean to prevent such issues in the future. Clean your toilet areas as often as possible. Be on the lookout for possible signs of clogs and poor water draining in your home, especially the bathroom areas. Regular preventive checks and maintenance services for a plumber or a professional can help you avoid these problems in the future.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]