How to fix cracks in cement rendering?

Cement rendering in Brisbane is a cost-effective option that gives your home a sleek finish, and it will protect the walls underneath it. It has many more benefits, but one thing it is not – is invincible. It is vulnerable to ageing and environmental damage over time. Over time, cement rendering can develop cracks. You may have already spotted some cracks in your render if you are reading this, and we want you to know that they are fixable. Keep reading, and we’ll tell you exactly how…

Why does cement render crack?

Just like all kinds of building materials, harsh weather conditions in Brisbane can make them succumb to signs of wear and tear. It may very well be the case of too much direct sunshine, or it might be an issue in terms of the initial application process. Even though cracks are natural in cement render, they should only start appearing after four or five years after their application. If you only recently had cement render applied and it cracked immediately, there are a few things that could be wrong…

What can cause cracks in cement rendering at application?

  • The render may have been in direct sunlight during the drying process
  • The render formula was incorrect. There wasn’t enough lime mixed into the formula
  • The wall or surface underneath was not structurally sound or suitable
  • There may have been poorly done joins and edges which allowed water to seep in
  • The render formula wasn’t cured correctly or for long enough
  • Unprofessional or improper application of the cement render.
  • The improper repairing of the external walls before render application
  • Natural degradation of the cement-rendered surface because of the elements

The types of cracks that can happen in cement rendering

Now that we’ve explored all the possible reasons for the formation of cracks in your render, we are closer to knowing how to sort out the problem. There are two types of cracks that are most frequently used in cement rendering: cracks because of improper application or cracks due to structural deformity.

When to start worrying about cracks in your render?

You’ve spotted a crack, but you’re not sure exactly you should consider it a problem. It might sound complicated now, but the crack’s location, direction, and deepness are all excellent indicators of the seriousness of the issue. If the crack looks deep or if it’s cracking inward, these are some tell-tale signs of a bigger problem. If you’ve noticed that doors or windows around the crack have been affected, it might be a serious structural problem. Nails or screws popping out the walls are also a sign that you should start worrying about if you’re also noticing that cracks have spread to places like the ceiling, where the roof meets the walls, or even in the slab are also a cause for concern.

How to fix cracks in your cement render?

1.    Assessing the cracked or damaged areas

Before carrying out a successful render repair, the render technician will have to assess the area thoroughly.

2.    Repairing the cracked areas and re-rendering

This step is where we make the magic happen! We’ll fix all existing cracks, and then the licensed professional will apply a fresh coat of cement render onto the surface. They’ll make sure that the existing wall has an undercoat used to it, and the crack will be repaired accordingly.

3.    Revival and restoration of the rendered wall

The repair includes the step of getting the surface re-rendered by removing all the old render. This part can be the most technical based on how much restoration was needed. This will ensure that the walls get the fresh coat of render yet again.

How long does the render last?

A fresh layer of render can give your property a new smooth, clean finish that can last for decades. Rapid Rendering has been a rendering specialist in Brisbane to property owners in Brisbane for many years, so we can tell you all about how long this investment will last you. If the render is applied to a clean wall by a skilled professional, it should maintain its good looks and durable protection for many years, if not decades. Different types of render perform differently, and you can get a more detailed explanation about the best-suited types on offer to you. The render made of cement, acrylic and polymer, and the underlying type of mortar used in making the application, play a vital role in how long rendering will last. Even though it is known to last for decades, it can eventually be vulnerable to cracking if water or salt crystallisation occurs. Here’s how long each type of render lasts.

1.    Modern acrylic or plastic-based renders

This type of render application can last for 20 or even 40 years if it is installed correctly. To enjoy an acrylic render that lasts you so many decades, you will need a professional and experienced technician to handle the job, who will know how to clean the walls before application.

2.    Common cement-based renders

The lifespan for this common type of render is much shorter than other modern render types, but it is also much more cost-effective. It is more prone to shrinkage or cracking, but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t still a good investment because you can only expect to see visible signs of cracking after about 7 to 15 years

3.    Lime-based renders

Lime based renders are already well known for their longevity, and they can last ten times as long as other render types.

It doesn’t matter what render type you choose; it’s worth the investment because it will last you for years after application. A quality rendering job by professionals in Brisbane will not only last you years – but be easy to maintain.

Can you render over the existing render?

It is entirely up to you, but yes, this is possible. Some people want to add thickness to their render after the first installation. A local professional cement renders expert can easily do this, but the job gets a little more complicated if there’s damage to your render.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]