Most Useful Tips and Tricks to Clean your Home

Most Useful Tips and Tricks to Clean your Home

We bet that all of us have the same dream – a shining home, and a lot of free time. At first sight, keeping the whole property clean can look like a difficult and time-consuming task, that many people give up following.  This is because the messier it is – the harder it could get. But there is nothing impossible, if you know how to do it right.  And if you want to find out the right way to keep your household perfectly clean – you are in the right place. 

Following the right steps and taking accurate actions is the main key to success. And by the time, you won’t even notice you are cleaning. 

1. Plan

You would first need to have a system and be aware from where you want to start. It is always better to clean it in the same order each time to create a routine. And we advise cleaning as many rooms as possible at once – your house can even be ready before the sun goes down. Then, get in the mood – good music never hurt no one, right?

2. Always start from top and make your way to the bottom

It is extremely important to know that when you are cleaning, especially dusting, you need to start from the top and make your way to the bottom. Another useful technique would be to go from left to right or right to left – but just to it systematically. This not only saves time, but will guarantee that no excess dust and dirt is left behind. 

3. Keep your tools on hand

No one would want to interrupt the cleaning session to go looking for a damp cloth, or a brush. The same applies to cleaning products and detergents as well. In this case, if you have enough storage space, it might be a good idea to get a larger basket or even a caddy, and it will definitely make a difference.

4. THE Bathroom

Bathrooms are definitely not the most pleasant room to clean, and it is really hard to see results, even if you are doing your best. To achieve success, you might think of preparing different DIY solutions that are proven to be working. For example – vinegar is one of the best solutions to remove scale. You can try filling a plastic bag with white vinegar and place it over the shower head, then wrap it around and leave it for a few hours – you will be surprised by the outcome. On the other hand, hydrogen peroxide is one of the best things that can help you get rid of mold and mildew. If you do not like the idea of spending a few hours in the bathroom to achieve success, you can always seek for a professional to do this. Nifty Tile Cleaning specializes in cleaning tiles for both commercial and residential needs and will guarantee your peace of mind. 

5. Do not forget the furniture, carpets and curtains

We often neglect this part of our house, but it needs regular cleaning and refreshing. It is good if curtains can be washed once a month and the furniture and carpets – at least twice a year. It will help to keep most of the allergens, germs and bacteria away from your home.  But this can be really difficult if you would have to do it by yourself with no equipment.  If you want help, Nifty Cleaning Services can successfully handle the task of cleaning all your carpeting, curtains and furniture,regardless of the materials used. So even if your home textile is delicate – you can be sure that with their professional assistance, nothing can go wrong. 


The truth is that keeping your home clean all the time is not so hard if you know how to do this. The biggest secret is that to be easier, you have to clean more often. You can even have it professionally cleaned once, and then just go over the whole place once a week. This way, you will see that maintaining it can even be pleasant. 

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]