An irresponsible texting driver is about to run over a pedestrian at an intersection which shows how dangerous texting and driving is. Stop the text and stop the wrecks.

When Is Pedestrian Safety Month and How Can I Celebrate It?

Everyone is a pedestrian from time to time, whether you are on a road, crosswalk, parking lot, or making you’re way in a busy city. In 2018, there were 6,283 pedestrians killed in traffic accidents, which account for 17 percent of all traffic fatalities. Unfortunately, these numbers are increasing!

Pedestrian Safety Month is a great time to learn and celebrate our freedom to walk the streets—safely. Want to know how you can stay safe crossing the street? We’ve got you covered.

Keep reading more to learn about pedestrian safety.

October Is Pedestrian Safety Month

Pedestrians get their day—or month. The U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHSTA) named October as national Pedestrian Safety month.

NHTSA is bringing awareness to pedestrians to improve safety and bring awareness as pedestrian deaths continue to rise. Law offices, like Curcio Law Offices, help pedestrians recover from accidents, but it’s best to avoid an accident altogether.

Everyone needs to do their part to keep everyone safe whether you are on foot or behind the wheel.

Walking Safely

Ready to run out and take a walk on a nice day? To celebrate Pedestrian Safety Month, make sure you make yourself visible to drivers. Pull out clothing with bright colors during the day, and find reflective wear for the dark night hours.

You should always make eye contact with drivers to make sure they see you. Be alert at all times, so put that cell phone away, especially when crossing the road.

Other safety tips include:

  • Walk on sidewalks if possible
  • Face traffic if there are no sidewalks
  • Cross the road at an intersection or crosswalk
  • Always watch for cars backing out of driveways and parking lots
  • Use a flashlight at night
  • Avoid walking while intoxicated
  • Don’t rely on pedestrian signals—always look both ways
  • Don’t assume cars will stop
  • Put the headphones away while walking so you can hear clearly

Part of being safe is being aware. Make sure you pay attention.

Drive Safely

How can you protect pedestrians? Drive safely. It’s important to be cautious as you drive and know your surroundings.

This may sound like common sense, but distracted drivers are on the rise with electronic devices. Reading or sending a text takes your eyes off the road for an entire five seconds—that’s the equivalent of driving 55 mph for an entire football field with your eyes closed!

So, what can you do besides pay attention?  There are more driver safety tips including:

  • Always yield to pedestrians at crosswalks
  • Stop well behind the crosswalk for other vehicles to see pedestrians
  • Follow the speed limit
  • Drive extra slow in school zones and neighborhoods with children
  • Use extra caution when driving at night
  • Be extra careful when backing up, especially in parking lots
  • Never pass vehicles at a crosswalk

You are responsible when behind the wheel. Take your time and remember safety is a shared responsibility between pedestrian and driver.

Get Out and Take a Walk

Every day should be like Pedestrian Safety Month. Make sure you follow these safety tips to celebrate and stay safe. Share these tips with others, and talk to your children about driving and walking safety tips—knowledge is power!

Find out more knowledge by checking out our site further. You can find more information on lifestyle, safety, home, business, and more!

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]