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7 Tips to Keep Your Home Organized

Keeping your home organized is a never-ending battle, especially if you have children who can’t wait to mess it up again. Most homeowners feel tired and overwhelmed when it comes to organizing their homes, but there are a few things  that you can do to simplify the process.

Homeowners seem to have a lot of tasks and responsibilities, but you should make time to clean and organize your home. If the entire house is a mess, it’s going to be hard to think straight, which can take its toll, both on your physical and mental health.

1.  Come up with a Plan

If you think you can organize your house from top to bottom in a short space of time, think again. Prepare a to-do list, and try your best to stick to it. Write down every room you would like to organize, and organize each room one by one.

If you decide to take on all the rooms at once, you’re more likely to fail. Going from room to room will overcomplicate things and you will find it difficult to focus on what you are doing. Get yourself motivated, and try to look forward to the challenge.

Organizing a home properly takes time, so don’t put yourself under too much pressure. If you are entitled to holidays from work, consider using one of the days to organize your home. If you wait until the weekend when the kids are off school, they might end up distracting you from your chores. It’s much easier to work when you are able to hear your own thoughts.

2.  Get rid of items you don’t need anymore

Although you might find it hard to get rid of things you don’t need anymore, throwing away certain items will free up space. It’s incredible how clutter can build up fast, so don’t be afraid to throw things away that you or your family members no longer use.

Go through all of your kids’ old toys, and if you notice that they don’t play with them anymore you should consider donating or selling them. If you are worried about your child getting upset that their toys have gone missing, you can store them in the attic. After a few weeks, if they haven’t mentioned their missing toys, then you should put them in the trash.

3.  Declutter Your Wardrobe

Trying to find clothing items in a messy wardrobe can prove frustrating, so empty everything out and start from scratch. Create these four separate piles on the ground:

  • Clothes for sale: If you have lots of old clothes in good condition, consider selling them online or organizing a car boot sale. Who knows, you might end up making a nice little profit for yourself!
  • Donation pile: Local charity shops will be more than happy to take your old clothes off your hands as long as they are in good condition.
  • Trash: If you come across worn-out clothes or clothes that have been damaged, it’s time to say goodbye. However, if you have a friend or family member that likes fixing or making their own clothes, you could ask them if they would like these items.
  • “Pass me downs”: If you have grown out of certain items, you might want to consider giving them to your friend or family member. If you are organizing your child’s wardrobe, you’ve probably found lots of items that won’t fit your child anymore. Don’t throw these items away, because there are bound to be other kids who could wear them.

Once your closet has been emptied, store each item in separate areas. If you want to go the extra mile, you can use a hanging tag to describe each section of your wardrobe. Store your work clothes in one section, casual clothes in another, etc. There are companies like the Dutch Label Shop that help customers create their own hang tags.

4.  Ask your Children For Help

It might be tempting to hire a professional cleaner to give you a helping hand, but don’t be afraid to ask children to pitch in too. Organizing is of vital importance, and kids should be made aware of this at a young age.

However, don’t expect your kids to help you by demanding them to do what they are told. Try to make cleaning and organizing fun. Fill them with praise when they have completed a task, and encourage them to do the same each day.

Most kids copy what their parents do, so lead by example. If they see you organizing your home, they are more likely to follow in your footsteps. If your child is old enough to read, prepare a to-do list for them, and when their tasks have been completed, reward them with a treat. Parents nowadays are finding positive reinforcement is a good method of teaching their children how to behave. Turn off televisions and any smart devices while your kids are helping you out so they won’t get distracted.

5.  Invest in Plastic Boxes

Airtight clear plastic boxes are great for organizing stuff. If you only have a limited amount of space in your home, why not purchase a few plastic boxes to store items. You can stack the boxes on top of each other.

Clear boxes with a lid are ideal for storing items. You will be able to see what is inside them, so you won’t have to empty everything out when you want to get something. You can stack the boxes in the corner of one of the rooms, or put them in the attic or the basement.

Try to find a waterproof box. If liquid spills on one of the boxes, the items inside the box won’t get damaged. Put different items in each box, one for old toys, one for sports equipment, etc.

6.  Use Your Garage to Store Stuff

Although most people use their garage to store their car, tools, and garden equipment, it can be used for other things too.

You might want to invest in tables, cabinets, or new shelves. If you store bicycles and other large sports equipment in the garage, you can put them on a mount on the wall instead of them taking up room on the ground.

Often, people do all their laundry in the garage. Consider moving your washer and dryer to the garage to create space in your home.

7.  Keep Your Desk Clean

During these unprecedented times, a lot of folks have been forced to work from home to help reduce the number of people contracting the coronavirus.

If you have set up a home office, a messy work area can impede your ability to get your tasks done. Get rid of the unnecessary clutter that gets in your way of working. Everything that is on your desk should serve a purpose.

Keep a trash bin close to your desk, and instead of leaving old notes that you no longer need on your desk, throw them in the trash.

When you have finished your day’s work, clean up your desk before leaving it. Get rid of all the food wrappers and other bits and pieces left on the table. This way, you will be able to start work the following day on a clean desk, which will help you stay productive.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]